jfberge wrote:
jason_b1980 wrote:
Yes, the procrastination sucks. I always wait until the very last minute to do anything, and then I start to worry about it and finally do it half a$$ed just to get it done and off my shoulders.
I've wondered about my procrastination, and what drives it. For some things, it's a matter of not committing to an option until I absolutely have to, like paying a large bill. This leaves my options open as long as possible. When it comes to work, though, I really think that my stalling isn't so much a lazy avoidance of effort, but an inability to do the job. For whatever reason, I have a lot of days where my brain just isn't working. Perhaps it's the ADD. On bad days, I truly can't seem to form a coherent thought, which obviates working. I feel locked out of my brain.
I totally get this. In fact I'm doing it right now. I know I should be doing something constructive right now, but....but.....um....hmmm.....clouds.......
As for my friggen list; OCD, ADHD, SID, PAD, GAD, Agoraphobia, ASD, Clinical/Major depression, numerical dyslexia, and my favourite, which I don't even really count as a disorder, Syneasthesia.
And thems just the mental issues. Still, most of those are under control by medicine and therapy, and none of them are killing me (at the moment) so....meh.