I identify male, but I was born and raised female. Whenever I bring up the idea that I might have autisum, people list the typically maly symptoms and say "you don't seem to have any of those".
However, I've been reading a lot, and the symptoms for females are different, and there are lesser known symptoms I seem to have.
I wanted to list some of them and as if any of you have the same or thinks I should bother getting tested.
I started talking and reading really early. I read that delayed speech is a symptom, but that speaking too soon might also be.
I didn't have eyecontact with people until I was 16 and people starting telling me I was being rude. I worked on it for a long time, and although it still makes me uncomfortable, I now manage to maintain a normal level of eyecontact. (Although I've been told my eyes tend to linger, borderline staring)
I've never been good at knowing what to do in social situations, and I learned most of what I know by copying others.
I've always been the odd kid. Never followed fashions or norms, and never really been able to self-correct or figure out what I did wrong or why it was wrong.
For a very long time I was very uncomfortable with any kind of physical contact. If I was tired or depressed or overwhelmed, I couldn't even stand people standing too close to me.
I still only really like being touched by people I really trust, like hugging my mother.
I tend to get sensory overload. Being in a noisy place makes me extremely tired, and loud noises or smells or strong lights will make me very uncomfortable.
I used to have meltdowns from stress and sensory overloads.
I got an ADHD diagnosis, but it was later retracted.
I have specific interests. I read that while guys with ASD typically fixate on things like trains or collector's items, women fixate more on people. I do that. I find a person I latch onto and forget everything about myself. Partner, best friend, etc.
Also musicians. I fixate on them for extended periods, listening to all their materials and almost obsessively learn everything about them
Now, here's why it gets tricky.
I got a schizophrenia diagnosis at 21 (I'm 30 now), and I did raise concerns about autism but the shrink said the symptoms kind of overlap so I shouldn't worry.
However, I can't let go of the notion that this is more than just schizophrenia.
Does anyone else have have similar symptoms or experiences?
Do you know if it's enough to warrant a diagnosis or at least an assessment?