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19 Aug 2007, 12:58 pm

You know when/if you have a special interest. If a person says a comment -include: "He is cute" or "I love him" Do you sometimes feel quite funny when you see them because you want to have your special interest ALL to yourself, not to share your interest with others.

Because you want to feel you is The One And Only person to Be Interested About it.

Do you or Have you ever felt this way :?:

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Aug 2007, 8:40 pm

I dont myself, but I know what you mean cos my sis is just the same as you.
Whenever there is somth she really likes, if I happen to say oh, I like that a lot, she suddenly seems to be upset, as if she doesnt like me to be interested in the same things she does...
So I guess its because of what you said...its an aspie trait for sure. I know another mate at work who I can tell he definately has AS, and reacts this same way about his interests...


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19 Aug 2007, 8:50 pm

If it is a person I am obsessed with, then I would be annoyed.
But anything else, I like someone else sharing the interest as it makes it easier for me to talk with a mutual interest.

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19 Aug 2007, 8:55 pm

Graelwyn wrote:
If it is a person I am obsessed with, then I would be annoyed.
But anything else, I like someone else sharing the interest as it makes it easier for me to talk with a mutual interest.


I recall feeling that way about interests when I was a kid, though. I guess I still entertained notions of knowing a certain category of information better than everybody else, and if anybody seemed to rival that, it made me irritated and want to work harder to be "better" than that person. Now I've just accepted that nothing like that really matters enough to get upset over it.

But if it's a guy, sure. All's fair in love and war? :wink:


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20 Aug 2007, 12:46 am

I'm like this, but not about people. I tend to get like this about music, movies, and topics of interest. I have a problem liking things that are popular, because I don't like to share my interests with other people. It feels like if they like something that's important to me, they're trying to encroach on my space in a personal way.

20 Aug 2007, 1:58 pm

I love sharing my special interest with people. Always had. I enjoy watching Benny & Joon with guys I meet and I wanted to take some of them to Spokane with me and give them the Benny & joon tour. I got to do that with a guy who lives near there and I took my friend there too at the end of July and he had a blast. Now we are boyfriend and girlfriend. He doesn't mind my obsessions.

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Xfractor Card #351

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20 Aug 2007, 7:29 pm

i dont really mind if people wanna look at my card collection. (naturally i like showing it off to people) most people find it to be boring, and probably think its a little childish for a dude my age to be collecting sporstcards, but ohwell. in 50 years my cards are gonna be worth alot of money. :D

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21 Aug 2007, 1:38 am

I use to know someone a few years ago in fact she is my ex and she use to always try to like everything I liked it use to bother me also there were things that I liked which I'd never tell her one day I told her and I'm sure she said 'Oh great I have to like that now' I remember thinking get your own personality.


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22 Aug 2007, 10:30 am

Yep. I Think My Special Interest Problem is A-Part of Asperger's Syndrome too.

l'esprit de l'escalier
l'esprit de l'escalier

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23 Aug 2007, 3:20 am

MrMacPhisto wrote:
I use to know someone a few years ago in fact she is my ex and she use to always try to like everything I liked it use to bother me also there were things that I liked which I'd never tell her one day I told her and I'm sure she said 'Oh great I have to like that now' I remember thinking get your own personality.

Aww.... I'm often interested in the subjects that interesting people find of interest. :D


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23 Aug 2007, 3:30 am

I am drawn almost exclusively to people with the same interests as me.


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23 Aug 2007, 3:44 am

I think I'm sometimes like this... Well not after I like something... but usually if something is popular or whatnot... if many people like something for no apperant reason... I am automatically apprehensive about being interested in it.

I don't really know about people specifically though... that's sort of strange... and if I do feel like that... it's a jealously/selfish thing happening... and that's not good.

I am sometimes extremely curious as to why people like certain things. Well not everything... if it's absouletly stupid... then I don't care. But if a subject appears to have some depth... but I don't quite understand the appeal... I kind of poke around and try to get information from others... just why they like it.

I did this with baseball... I did not understand the sport at all. It looked extremely boring (and well it is a fairly boring sport) but they did keep track of all these statistics... and every one who was a fan of the sport hounded over these statistics. I was curious as to what the significance of all these numbers were (being a guy who likes Math), so I slowly started to understand the game... what was significant about it... how something so simple could have such detailed stat tracking.

Well once I understood all the stats... I became a fan.

I am like this with many things... I want to know why others like what they like. Most have not analyzed it... and can't give me a satisfying answer.

Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.


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31 Aug 2007, 10:50 am

Thank you everybody for replying because I am going through a tough time at the moment.
All of your support helps a-lot and it is cool.

P.S. Why is it always raining in England?!