LostInSpace wrote:
Griff wrote:
I dunno. The near-lack of hunger or real danger allows for lower cortisol levels. With less cortisol in there to destroy our brains, some of us are apt to grow to be remarkably intelligent. Prosperity breeds advancement, I'm thinking. Of course, it also kills the selective factor and allows for really weird disorders to start manifesting, but still...
What about people with excessive levels of anxiety, as many ASD people have? Wouldn't they have higher levels of cortisol?
No. Absolutely not, at least not necessarily. Most auties and Aspies tend to have much lower levels of cortisol than most people. There are different forms of anxiety, and not all of them are caused by high cortisol levels. I'm sure that some Aspies have high cortisol levels, but it's doubtful that this is the trend. The only cases in which I can conceive of high cortisol levels would be those in which a great deal of nerve damage is occuring due to excitoxicity. Even that wouldn't necessarily mean high cortisol levels overall, just a greater vulnerability of the brain to its degenerative, anxiety-inducing effects.
The sources of worry may be different in modern society, but they can be just as potent, neurologically speaking.
Yes and no. Although there may be a lot of sources of stress in modern society, the stress-inducing, fat-storing effects of cortisol are not as likely to provide a survival advantage. I could be wrong, though. This is still mysterious turf for me.