LisaM1031 wrote:
I am not formally diagnosed but I strongly suspect I’m on the spectrum. I also grew up with a mother who was a malignant narcissist and a father with addiction problems. I’ve noticed from spending time in narcissistic recovery communities online and even from a few reddit threads, that an unusually high number of people claiming to be victims of narcissistic abuse are on the autism spectrum. Has anybody else noticed this correlation? I wonder if it’s because signs of CPTSD from being abused can mimic ASD. Or maybe people on the ASD spectrum are more likely to be scapegoated?
Im more clearly aDHD than autistic, and I drive narcs f*****g nuts man, lol. Had to disown my family.
I do suspect HF autistics could give me a run for my money in unleashing narccistic rage on ourselves.
My birth Mother is Borderline and probably narcisstic too, and then my stepmom is a straight up narc.
My dad can pick em.
MrsPeel wrote:
I think it's more likely that children of narcissists develop c-PTSD.
This can:
(a) be confused with autism
(b) interact with autism to make traits worse or more obvious (for instance greater social avoidance and increased meltdowns)
I had Sluggish Cognitive Tempo as a teen, which was mistaken for severe drug abuse, lazyness, and not caring.
My Dr Laura blaring stepmom passed off an illegal eviction at 16 yo as tough love, when it would be child neglect in many US states.
all it did was give me c -PTSD and depression on top of SCT/ADHD. When I got diagnosed at 41 yo I called them out a bit, I guess that was an injury against my stepmom and sister (Narc too), so they started gassing me up, took me till last year to figure out what happened.
I called them out a second time and they all snapped, accusing me of blaming all my problems on them and "hate"