I used to like a certain routine but only if I looked forward to certain things (for example, visiting my uncle every Monday night), and I only got anxious if something I liked got replaced with something I disliked (for example, being taken off my favourite task at work and put on a task that I found more difficult or stressful).
Some Aspies like rigid routine but I've never been that rigid. When I was at school I was always rather open-minded for change but having a fear of the school bells kind of made me resistant to change because by sticking to the normal schedule it was easier to avoid being near a bell when it was due to ring. So if there was a change, like an hour long assembly or a fun activity day or something, I would be anxious because the bells still rang at the normal schedule times so it was harder to avoid. I felt too embarrassed to tell the teachers and my parents about my fear, so it just looked like to them that I was just resistant to change. If bells never existed things might have been a little different.