right, so you've got yer fermions, which are particles with a half integer spin, named after Enrico Fermi and Paul Dirac. Then you've got yer bosons, which are full-spin particles, named after Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein (whoever he may be
). all very well and good.
for years, however, quantum science has suspected that there is another particle, which spins all over the place, and completely randomly. they have hunted high and low to find conclusive proof of its existence, but to no avail. the race to discover and name this elusive beast has reached unprecedented levels of hysteria amongst the scientific community. the best mathematical minds in the world have wrestled with this conundrum for years, before giving it all up and forming boy bands, in frustration.
in this exclusive news bulletin, i, Vivi - your intrepid WrongPlanet.net reporter - can reveal that, finally, the random spin particle has been discovered! due to an unusual (and uncharacteristic) modesty on behalf of its discoverer (that'll be me, then!
), the particle will not be called the "vivion" ("shame!", i hear you cry), but will be named after the greatest proponent of random spin known today. the new particle shall, therefore be called...
wait for it...
the Blairon.
i thank you.
(p.s. this is supposed to be witty and amusing (i've just had a nasty shock, so i needed a diversionary tactic to recover). any party pooper who starts correcting the science or being all aspie and pedantic shall stand accused of having their sense of humour removed, and, from henceforth, have the title "Spoily Woily" appended above the little squares by their avatar, and "I poop parties, ner!" under it. made me laugh, anyway