Is it common for Aspie's to be conspiracy theorists?
snake I would have to agree with you, many of the other "conspiracies" seem to involve pushing us in that direction.
Psych what 2nd hand info do you know about Diana?
It seems to me no one wants to discus the effects of Diana carrying the child of an influential Muslim. Hard to push a clash of cultures when someone so revered is so personally accepting of Islam.
After thinking more about it I realize my aspie nature is the reason I read so many news reports from around the world so I see how things are reported differently and how that leads the majority of people to have certain beliefs.
If we have another man made tragedy read all the early press reports and then watch what is edited out. It often happens in stages, first edits in 1/2 hour, more edits the next day, more in the months and weeks that follow as they try to push the understanding of the event in a specific direction. Usually to get the masses to beg for more "protection". It used to be from specific countries or forms of government, now it is just to "protect us from the evil doers who hate our freedoms"
Not long until we lose our republic all together if we continue at this pace. Oh well, most Americans believe our form of government is a democracy, where the 51% can oppress the 49%, so few people know that our true form of government is supposed to be a republic. Strange that we now export "democracy" through war.
oh, nothing really exciting or groundbreaking, just the fact that she was pregnant at the time of death and i think the staff were made to hush it up. I assume 'hushed up' to mean in a way that goes beyond the usual patient confidentiality protocols, although i dont know any specifics. Then the conversation changed to something completely different.
I am far more receptive to conspiracy theories than I used to be. In fact, I'd like to have a better way to express that. Saying you're into "conspiracy theories" can kind of discredit your ideas before you've begun. There's no doubt in my mind though that us minions are lied to constantly.
As for the Diana thing, for some reason I'm just not interested. The Royal Family might have wealth, but the power in Britain is with the government, and they are totally anti-monarchy. I just wish the British people would wake up and realise how despicable their government really is. We're not even talking hidden knowledge here.
By the way, I've heard it suggested that Prince Charles has secretly converted to Islam. No joke.
I'm well known for being the conspiracy theorist guy in my circle of friends.
I just love conspiracy theories, and also the dynamics surrounding them.
Like how people, when facing hard undeniable facts, just shrug and go "Oh well...", or that if you even mention the word "conspiracy", whatever you say automatically becomes the ravings of a lunatic, or how people like me tend to be self ironic (which I spotted here and there in this thread).
I'm paranoid as f**k.
Paranoia is a schizoid symptom, and I think that AS is linked to schizoid behaviour, correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't trust anybody, especially not people with authority, cause i know they'll abuse it. (They always do)
But I'm not paranoid in the sense of personal harm, because I know myself, what I'm capable of and have self-confidence enough to choke a horse.
I simply don't trust people with power to make the best decisions.
But I'm fairly detached.
I don't blindly believe everything.
Even when there is undeniable proof of something and people just overlook it - like how the laws of physics just took a day of at 9/11 - and I feel like that guy in "They live", I just think "Meh, whatever..."
no, im not at all receptive to conspiracy theories. they seem plain stupid to me. what is it with the need to paint an imaginary foe whos massing his forces against the good fine fellow, the morally good worker guy, innocent little me? for the most part, its questioning gone wrong (a zeitgeist phenomenon if there ever was one of our times), if not gone completely bonkers, or its one of the countless attempts to make oneself look good. nothing is easier for attaining that gol than making the others appear bad. when you dont have evidence for badness, you invent it yourself. and yeah... stupidity knows no bounds.
I'm quite fond of conspiracy theories and the personalities that abound in that realm. On my last full-time job I listened to the Alex Jones show through my headphones for entertainment - 15 hours a week. Dang!
I wouldn't place a whole lot of stock in conspiracy theorist's claims though. It is simply thrilling, addictive psychodrama with a historical backdrop.
And, my current favorite variant of conspiracy theory are those concerning autism and asperger syndrome. Vaccines, genetic manipulation by greys or hidden eugenicists, EMF etc ---- I want it all!!
Pass me the pork rinds, I got some hypostasizing to do!
Dirty old river, must you keep rolling
Flowing into the night
People so busy, makes me feel dizzy
Taxi light shines so bright
Would you agree that throughout history there have always been people or groups who have tried to gain power and wealth at the expense of all other people? We have fought several wars over exactly this in the last century. So if we can agree that this has happened throughout human history, and it has also happed several times in modern history, do you really believe that it has simply stopped occurring? Did humans and their thirst for power and wealth suddenly change in the last 50-100 years?
I suggest that since it is no longer possible for any country to militarily take land, wealth and power people now use other less obvious techniques.
Do you understand fiat money? Do you understand inflation? Do you know that the federal reserve is neither federal nor does it contain any reserves? Do you understand how money is created?
If you, like most people, don't understand these things then you are blind to the fact that people currently conspire to take your wealth from you. And who is it that is involved in this conspiracy? Well there is the congress and the federal reserve, a private consortium of banks, and you are not allowed to know who actually owns the federal reserve. This private institution actually makes a profit of 6% on the money it creates out of thin air.
Many people believe the real reason JFK was killed was because he planned to do away with the federal reserve.
Do you actually believe a lone gunman with a bolt action rifle killed the president? If not you are acknowledging a massive conspiracy that killed arguably the most powerful man in the world.
I actually find it laughable when people say conspiracies don't exist. To make that statement you must not understand human nature or human history.
i dont doubt that conspiracies exist, i just dont jump the whole "everything is conspiracy"-train.
its us banks here, jews there, illuminati on top of it all and those are ruled by aliens with their secret base at area 51.
of course people try to get advantages over other people by means of deceit and the like... but if there was a group large and well-organized enough to drive a worldwide plot of exploitation, that group itself would be subject to sabotage enough to make it ineffective.
so, most of it, i believe, is self-justification through profiling oneself as victim against a large foe, the whole thing mixed up with the flavour of ancient mystery cults. secret knowledge, initiation rites etcetera...
Would you agree that throughout history there have always been people or groups who have tried to gain power and wealth at the expense of all other people? We have fought several wars over exactly this in the last century. So if we can agree that this has happened throughout human history, and it has also happed several times in modern history, do you really believe that it has simply stopped occurring? Did humans and their thirst for power and wealth suddenly change in the last 50-100 years?
I suggest that since it is no longer possible for any country to militarily take land, wealth and power people now use other less obvious techniques.
Do you understand fiat money? Do you understand inflation? Do you know that the federal reserve is neither federal nor does it contain any reserves? Do you understand how money is created?
If you, like most people, don't understand these things then you are blind to the fact that people currently conspire to take your wealth from you. And who is it that is involved in this conspiracy? Well there is the congress and the federal reserve, a private consortium of banks, and you are not allowed to know who actually owns the federal reserve. This private institution actually makes a profit of 6% on the money it creates out of thin air.
Many people believe the real reason JFK was killed was because he planned to do away with the federal reserve.
Do you actually believe a lone gunman with a bolt action rifle killed the president? If not you are acknowledging a massive conspiracy that killed arguably the most powerful man in the world.
I actually find it laughable when people say conspiracies don't exist. To make that statement you must not understand human nature or human history.
Next youll be saying that god didnt really appoint the aristocracy by divine right to rule over us!

its us banks here, jews there, illuminati on top of it all and those are ruled by aliens with their secret base at area 51.
A lot (although not all imo) of the 'wackier' theories are likely to be cointelpro though, wouldnt you agree? And that in itself is conspiracy fact. examples - a lot of 'UFO' sightings occured around the time the US were developing (and presumably flying) their top-secret stealth technology. Theres no doubt that theres a huge deal of anti-jewish racism in some CT groups, but the organization that is supposed to counter that, the ADL, has been used for achieve many nefarious goals far outside that remit.
youd know all about that coming from BAVARIA wouldnt you?

Psych what 2nd hand info do you know about Diana?
It seems to me no one wants to discus the effects of Diana carrying the child of an influential Muslim. Hard to push a clash of cultures when someone so revered is so personally accepting of Islam.
After thinking more about it I realize my aspie nature is the reason I read so many news reports from around the world so I see how things are reported differently and how that leads the majority of people to have certain beliefs.
If we have another man made tragedy read all the early press reports and then watch what is edited out. It often happens in stages, first edits in 1/2 hour, more edits the next day, more in the months and weeks that follow as they try to push the understanding of the event in a specific direction. Usually to get the masses to beg for more "protection". It used to be from specific countries or forms of government, now it is just to "protect us from the evil doers who hate our freedoms"
Not long until we lose our republic all together if we continue at this pace. Oh well, most Americans believe our form of government is a democracy, where the 51% can oppress the 49%, so few people know that our true form of government is supposed to be a republic. Strange that we now export "democracy" through war.
Do you have an account on Slashdot per chance?
Last edited by NeantHumain on 27 Aug 2007, 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have plenty of conspiracy theories. No, it's not abnormal, just be sure to check with yourself "does this belief serve me?" In other words, don't worry about what others think of you for believing a certain thing, rather, concentrate on believing the things that you feel are right. And yes, this may include a few conspiracy theories here and there, but hey, I think we're all conspiracy theorists in some form or another.
Hope I helped
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 50
Location: Montreal
I don't really go for all the theories involving aliens or other crazy stuff, but the political or economic ones, definitely. What I find interesting is how what is common, universally accepted knowledge here in Canada is perceived as conspiracy theory in the US. We all knew there was no WMDs in Iraq, we all knew the was was about oil, we even knew about the Bush family ties with the Saudis were the reason they blamed Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia and all that before it happened, before Michael Moore published his books. Nobody here would question the fact that Bush was not duly elected the first time around and, even in school, we hear about the American imperialist invasions in the middle east for economic gain and no crap about liberating the Iraqis and fighting terror. I just think it's funny how the collective minds of Americans have been brainwashed somehow (my guess is through their drinking water).

np - i thought i was maybe being too cryptic, but wanted to balance clarity against the need to be humourous in a friendly way. (im plagued with social paranoia and semantic doubt when it comes to this text-based communication)
The most common term for the global network of secret socies is the 'illuminati'. This name is taken from a historical group founded in Bavaria hence 'The Bavarian Illuminati', which is frequently name-checked in conspiracy theory literature.
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