I've gone through phases. In the workplace my routine was: colorful nylon blouse, jeans, silver earrings, brown/black plain shoes and cover-up makeup (under my eyes). Now working from home: solid cotton shirt, jeans, Sketchers and no jewelry nor makeup. In college I wore flannel tops and blazers. I have nice skirts, pants, dresses, shoes, makeup but it's too "hard" to figure out how and when to wear them. Plus I need different bra types for some of the tops and dresses, which is an additional landmine. For customer meetings I found one blazer and set of jewelry I was comfortable with, and managed lipstick. Some women's pants have pockets, some have fake pockets and some don't have pockets. Don't even start on shoes. I wonder if it's time to donate the (unused) heels in my closet...
Honestly the workplace to home transition has been hard that way. Just this morning my husband mentioned my laundry has piled up higher than usual and I was wearing a colorful cotton shirt (which violates my new norm). Yes, b/c before I had one load of cotton on Warm and one load of nylon on Cold --- but now it's all cotton-like and I am not sure how to split my pile into two loads and to do Warm or Cold. My clothing routine changed and I have yet to adjust my laundry routine. Crisis .
I'm glad you found what works for you.