I've been a sensory seeker for touch as a child.
Affectionate touch, sure. Hugs, cuddles, patting, tickling, massages, hair combing.
That is if I'm in a mood for it. Generally, I do more than just tolerate touch.
However, tolerance or not, I don't like touches that are inappropriate or unasked for.
It's fine as a surprise -- I'd like it if one guessed it right and at least appropriately.
If I'm not in a mood, I'd likely freeze, avoid or go away depending who you are and what's in my mind.
But if I'm... Be very prepared for whatever I may do. Someone I like hugs me, I'd squeeze and cling at them until they squirm.
However a number of my relatives more and a very few family friends are only allowed to when it comes to my worst and least tolerant of states.