Panaspieism has problems.
It would be like creating a world for the left handed, Ned Flanders, or Apple users. Single traits do not unite.
In this case they do exclude. Just the lack of eye contact can shut us out of the NT world. We are seen as different, which must be wrong, as the world is perfect, so we are bully magnets.
Just the basics, getting an education, finding a job, gaining working skills, are much harder for us. We work less, at lower positions, make less money, which then limits startting a business or family, owning a home.
At the same time, we have skills, and the focus to develop them to a high degree. We have Obsession.
Where we do get an equal shot at the market, we excel. Focus, hard work, dedication, long hours, pay off.
I would love to see a world based on smoking weed, everyone having sex with everyone, and free from clothes, work, and ownership. It would quickly solve the over population problem.
NTs are doing their own Lemming Dance. Traditional wisdom said store food for at least a year, for crops fail. Now we live hand to mouth, grow one crop, and the drought is getting worse, the summers hotter, winters colder, and one year like 1815, the year without summer, and we have reserves to last two months. No problem, the people will just eat the seed grain, and next year?
An inventory of our skills and problems, and the problems the world makes for it's self, and having an owned place, food, water, a roof, is more realistic than a fallout shelter in the sixties. It is dual use, a low cost business location, and the place to be when the world stops.
The 1918 flu killed 50,000,000. From perfect health to dead in twelve hours. Seventy people died in the New Orleans flood. 1500 died in the week it took before someone came with drinking water. We were not rescued, we were quarentiend. The city is mostly still in ruins. 250,000 have nothing to come back to.
I do have personal reasons to see to my own survival. Money became worthless, ATMs quit working, and the cash on hand would not buy a liter of water.
The New Madrid quake is due again, one of the earth's clocks. Two hundred years, centered near Saint Louis, and last time it rang church bells in Washington and Boston. Now all of the powerlines, pipelines, railroads, food transporting highways, run through there. A Supernova would fry every computer. FEMA will fix it.
Having water, food, shelter, has become important to me. I am still living below sea level, and need to expand my business. I think about a place above sea level, with water. While the world lasts I want power, WiFi, and UPS. When the world stops, I want water, food, shelter.
As for group survival, you should all go smoke dope and play video games where you are. You can move to the Aspie Commune in New Madrid. There you can declare your own country, with no work and free dope. You have my best wishes.
I will continue publishing, work with those who have an obsession that prints. That is by Internet. Any who wouild like to tell me how to live can visit, you just need ten pound concrete shoes, I live three houses behind Sponge Bob Square Pants.