Hip Albatross wrote:
New member here.
I recently have been reading about "the self being an illusion", that can even be pointed out in a brain scan.
Also I read some research that showed that people with autism have low or no "activity" in the regions that are related to "the self".
The research said that people with autism experience social/emotional stuff like its a "play" or a movie.
I do recognise this and think that is the best way to explain it to others.
This makes me wondering why there isn't more research on this topic, or even a theory behind it. It would even mean that people with autism are less selfcentered, in a way, opposing the original meaning of autism itself.
My question to you is, do you recognize this? Do you know what people mean when they are talking about a "self"?
And if so, is it about historical facts about you. About feeling/ emotions or about the experience of being?
Would love to add some articles here but
Cant share resources as a new user.
I relate to that a lot. I've always found self/identity an odd/unreal concept. I think showing this illusion was much of Shakespeare's project.