classic autism.
was originally diagnosed with AS [and adhd and learning difficulties,all of which haven't changed,and he diagnosed severe depression-not for that time but from as a child and teenager],by a mental health pyschologist,the gp said to am/sister he was the most experienced in autism,which shows just how bad autism assessment is in manchester-he had never worked with one person with any sort of autism before,and was reading up on it as am was in his office.
he asked,did am like computers,told him 'yes' with thumb up and by nodding [the lack of proper speech didn't seem to give it away],he did not want any say from parents on what am was like as a child,eg,regression and speech and language problems,the extreme reactions to changes and noise etc,the lack of awareness of anything outside self....
some time after,a autism specialist speech therapist,worked with am regulary for a long time [over year at least],assessing,and also compiling a book about am,he says am have classic/AD and not AS-not low functioning,but not high functioning AD either.
as he works for the council/social services,he is unable to make the diagnosis official,so am have to go private to see an autism specialist as it's not going to happen in manchester on the nhs.
staff and parents want am to go for rediagnosis,but they've checked funds and they've said it's no way near the cost of assessment.