KingdomOfRats wrote:
yes,it sounds typical,if not interested in people,the brain will make way for what is seen as more important stuff.
memory is a common issue with ASD,a lot of people with ASD have great long term memory but very bad short term/working memory but that is not definite for all people.
Jeeze, thats sooo true for me I remember so much from when I was so young, it shocks my parents, my NT sister cant even remember living in our old neghboorhood, she moved out at age 6, I at age 8 and I remember as far back as 2-3 and she remembers as far back as 7-8. My long term memory is pretty detailed, i remember my emotions, what occured, colors, reactions ect but short term is hard i constantly have to look at a map to remember what street I need to be concerned with, and I suck at names, very bad with directions!
From what I understand, according to my family, being able to remember stuff the way I do is not normal, go figure...
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.