edal wrote:
"Anyone else experience this?"
Oh Yeah!! !
The last job I had before I retired we had a couple of Jewish guys working for us, both of which were well endowed in the nose department. One of them called in sick and we sat around wondering what was wrong with him, "perhaps he's gone for a nose job" I suggested. There was stunned silence and a couple of hours later I found myself in HR trying to explain my 'racist' conduct.
The weird thing is that I don't have a racist bone in my body and, since I had relatives who died in the camps, I'm hardly likely to have a thing against a Jewish guy.
Ed Almos
What gets me is WHO is racist? YOU for saying they may have gone in for an operation that is NOT that unpopular for ANYONE, or the guys that IMMEDIATELY see a racial connection?
BTW I used to have a lot of jewish accquaintances. They ALL knew I wasn't jewish, and said they could tell. Still, they acted like I was a part of the family, etc... so I got a taste of how they REALLY feel. One appeared kind of pretty, with a cute nose and all, but she said that all the girls in her family get nose jobs at 16! Some of the people I knew were VERY rich, including one whos family at least STARTED HERTZ(You know, the car renatl company). I don't know if hertz ever had the nose jobs done though. I forget the other womans name. I have heard of other families doing the same, and most of the families, that I have heard that do this, ARE jewish.
I once got almost got fired for how I held my arms.(Even though almost everyone does the same)! They claimed THAT was racist. I do it around everyone, and even when I am ALONE!