JennaKirby04 wrote:
My partner is autistic and has recently came out to me as transgender. I 100% support them, however, I feel it may be a phase, my partner tends to go through phases quite a bit, they wanted an electric scooter last year and spent around £900 on the scooter and things connecting to it, now the scooter sits in the shed without being used. My partner also takes on the persona of characters he likes, for example, we watched Moon-Knight when it came out this year, about a month or so after the last episode came out, they told me they think they've got D.I.D like the main character has, I sort of expected this to happen. Now he/they have made this revelation about them being transgender, I'm not sure what to believe, I'm supporting him but I'm sort of waiting for the conversation where he tells me he's decided to go against transitioning or taking hormones.
What shall I do?
That speaks to the fact that your partner is quite impressionable, especially with that antecedents you list there.
If he really wants to transition after storing as much information as possible, he would make an appointment with a doctor for this radical change of knowing what led him to see himself as transgender, and the effects of the hormones he will see in his body, then only in the long run would I take what he says seriously.
That's my advice based on what you say.