My shrink said today that that disorder I had introduced him to last time-- Sensory Processing Disorder-- fit me perfectly, and so if I got a diagnosis it would probably be that.
I told him today that I believed I had Social Anxiety Disorder and he said he already knew. I was a little bit surprised (just a little bit, btw) but not really; I did show lots of evidence of it besides the anxiety, and a bit of anxiety too, even though I was WAAAAAY less anxious with him than I am with lots of other people. He opened his book to the Social Phobia section (I think it was already in that section actually) and said that the profile and criteria fit me, or something. He later said that my severe social anxiety qualified me for disability benefits.
When I was talking about you guys on WP and how I could identify with you, I said that besides the AS diagnosis, being social misfits and having social anxiety, many of you also had major major depression, and he said "Oh, yeah, you definitely do." He seems to know that the depression is the biggest problem and a huge problem, but he's the kind who wants to see what it might have stemmed from.
He also asked how I would like to have Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. I said sure, if it didn't mean Pervasive Developmental Delay... afterall, a disorder is not necessarily a delay, and in my case it definitely isn't! He agreed with me, saying disorder did not mean delay. He didn't seem to think I was delayed, jsut disordered. He says which pervasive developmental disorder you're diagnosed with depends on WHAT is delayed... and the fact that he seems to want to diagnose me with PDD-NOS means that he isn't sure what is delayed with me! He doesn't seem sure about the AS.