Not a toy, and I mostly find it annoying, yet I still do it every day... to wit:
I visit the gemini-verse, a "smol web" protocol, which can be access through a command line client, or stand alones... but that's not important rn. In this gemini-verse, there is a "game" called "Astrobotany" where you can tend to a "plant". In this "game" there is a "duck" in a "koi pond" that will grant you "karma" if you "throw" "flower petals" at it...
and here's the stim:
press TAB numerous times to reach the link to the "garden", then press ENTER.
TAB some more to "enter" the "flower garden"... ENTER
TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB etc. until you reach an unvisited "plant"... ENTER
TAB TAB TAB ENTER when you get to the "collect petal" link
ENTER to confirm
TAB ENTER to back out
repeat 40 or more so times.
(what's annoying is the fact that the list changes as you're doing this, so you have to remember what you collected, as well as you have to "reset" each time/you cannot filter or stay in the garden)
Then you "feed" the duck, and wait another 24 hours to do it all again.