I see you're relatively new to WrongPlanet. Welcome! It's nice to have you.
That book is indeed very fascinating. I've read a few books in my own autism self-discovery phase, and I think the most interesting overall was Steve Silberman's Neurotribes. There are a few critiques of the book that state his views of Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner are biased and not entirely accurate, but the book is incredibly well researched and really shows how little we still know about autism. For a book written by someone who is not autistic (but a good man, I used to interact with him on Twitter back in the day because he was a big fan of the band Phish like myself), it does a great job at viewing autism less as this horrible, untreatable, awful thing, and instead presents the idea that many of history's greatest minds were autistic but it wasn't pathologized then because in many ways, the world was more built for autistic people then than it is now.
If this is the start of your own self discovery, I wish you the best of luck. You are in good hands here. This community has been very helpful in the most confusing period of my life.
Take it easy, dude, but take it!