I am female, so it's not quite the same situation, but people do treat me as a child.
I believe it has something to do with my appearance, because I am very short, and I do not wear makeup or "adult" looking clothing. I've been mistaken for a child on several occasions (waitresses have offered me the kid's menu, and even my doctor almost suggested that I take a "prize from the prize box" for kids).
I am also very quiet and shy in unfamiliar social situations.
Another, possibly related, thing is that people tend to underestimate my ability, intelligence, and wisdom. A few people (yes, even a woman!) have taken me for gullible because of this.
I don't know if people underestimate my ability, intelligence, and wisdom, but I have been taken advantage of many times. I seem to be a magnet for those type of people, and unfortunately, I never learn how to spot them.