jamie0.0 wrote:
I've debated this internally as to weather it classifies as a comfort item.
I consider my mobile phone to be a comfort item, and the world of literature to be my comfort place through ebooks.
I'm not a social media addict, nor do I play mobile games. But when I am anxious, stressed or even just bored I feel myself reaching for the phone to read a page or 2 of my current novel.
I too suffer the issue of not getting attached to items like stuffies or rugs. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing it just means we have to seek out more useful comforts for sanity.
I personally consider my mobile phone to be one of my main comfort items as well. Actually music is my main source of calming and comforting, but the phone is how I am able to access the music much like you do with ebooks.
If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.
Maya Angelou