username88 wrote:
I told my therapist this and she said its "normal" and she does it too

Remember this next time you see your therapist, she isn't normal. If she asks you why your laughing, what are you going to say?
I tell them the truth, lol.
I had one tell me one time she thought everybody should do therapy. Now I tend to agree, but if you think about the business she's in, that's not a bad thing to keep them coming in the door. But with her, she knew she wasn't normal and that's why she was good at what she did.
WOOT!! day eight with the Queens of the Stone Age, they still rockin in my head phones. Ask her how long she goes. (and I still don't know the words to the 5 songs or even the titles)
oops, make that nine days, I might be math challenged, lol.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
Last edited by postpaleo on 10 Oct 2007, 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.