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14 Jun 2009, 1:13 am

Does anyone preplan or deterine conversations pratice them in your hear, the only people I don't do with is my mum and my step dad everyone else I really have to think or after theres an awkward silence where I try to continue the conversation or it just collapses and I retreat to my safe haven. Does any aspie d that?

Do you also for example stress about simple appointments for exampl doctors or eye doctors and think what tsay before hand and then try to think what to do ad stress over and over for me its mainly because it ruins my routine

Also especially before travelling to college or uni stress about taking the bus for example missing t and you know yur not going to miss it or simply afraid of going on to it


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14 Jun 2009, 1:21 am

I did it for debates and planned out arguments/traps excepting someone to step into it during debates in the past (IRL) and currently (OL and IRL) or people f*****g up and forgetting what they said earlier the day or just a few minutes ago or a few month ago so I can clobber them with their hipocrisy.

Oh, and 'samefagging' to try to force chan memes on forums and to script conversations to get more bumps.

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!


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14 Jun 2009, 1:33 am

Oh god business A levels I hated debates, scared face glad I'm not alone I thought was crazy


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14 Jun 2009, 2:08 am

SteveeVader wrote:
Oh god business A levels I hated debates, scared face glad I'm not alone I thought was crazy

lol why not? You can bs and troll to your heart's content in debate-and it's accepted there (I did it all last year). Or you can be 'mainstream' and debate like a rational civilized being. Or you read a bunch of 'cards'-evidence and whatnot.

Depends on the debate format :P

Then again debating in real life is different than ol debated. ive done both and ol allows for more soures and whatnot.

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!


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14 Jun 2009, 2:13 am

riting online is completely different no socal interaction needed LOVELY especially eye contact yay


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14 Jun 2009, 2:20 am

Friend, I rehearse conversations all the time. I also go back over conversations often as well, inserting what I believe might have sounded better at the time. I'm not a quick-witted person, I do not think fast on my feet, so I often say things that I think sound stupid. Sometimes I even think up conversations which may never happen, but if I am thinking about a particular person or situation, I might start acting as if I'm having a conversation with someone. Usually I do all this when I'm in the bathroom or the shower, and often while driving in my car as well.


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14 Jun 2009, 2:31 am

god its fbulous that am not nsane just bat insert explicit word here crazy YAY I am going to sit down my step dad and tel him and ask his opinin but it is probably my worst charastic by far I have been doing it since I was five, I have rehearsed a conversation in my head of meeting Brian Blessed he's so awesome


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14 Jun 2009, 3:23 am

SteveeVader wrote:
Does anyone preplan or deterine conversations pratice them in your hear, the only people I don't do with is my mum and my step dad everyone else I really have to think or after theres an awkward silence where I try to continue the conversation or it just collapses and I retreat to my safe haven. Does any aspie d that?

Do you also for example stress about simple appointments for exampl doctors or eye doctors and think what tsay before hand and then try to think what to do ad stress over and over for me its mainly because it ruins my routine

Also especially before travelling to college or uni stress about taking the bus for example missing t and you know yur not going to miss it or simply afraid of going on to it

That's exactly what I do. :/

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14 Jun 2009, 3:29 am

I do this too but it always comes out differently than i "rehearsed". I rarely get across the information i need to for important things like Dr's appt's. even with a prepared list to go off. I also go back over conversations and get very anxious about what i said and what they said and what they may have THOUGHT i meant and what they actually meant by whatever. I sometimes will go back and say "you know when i said *insert thing that didnt come out right here* i actually meant *insert unnecessarily long explanation here quite often making less sense than before*"

Yeah, i don't socialize much... ok, i don't socialize at all.

It's funny the things you just accept as awkward parts of you, and then come to realize how and why they are parts of you (AS) i'm self diagnosed, so things like these i really don't realize are unusual or excessive until i write them down and much of it i've noticed before i learned about AS and so it's good to finally understand why, it's very validating/liberating to no longer just be an awkward weirdo that just wasn't made to deal with the world well.


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14 Jun 2009, 5:12 am

SteveeVader wrote:
Do you also for example stress about simple appointments for exampl doctors

When I go to the GP I sit in fear in the waiting room, when the buzzer goes to show you who is next on the board, my insides leap and when my name shows, I am a wreck 8O OMG I then have to walk all the way to Room 5, its only a few yards and one of the first rooms but it's like walking the plank. When I get in there, I normally get a list out because I am often so nervous I would forget why I was there, if I am too over-loaded I tend to talk too much go on and on :oops: I once started to tell the poor woman about the price of something in the local supermarket, why?

My doctor is really nice but I still have this over-reaction and I have often picked up the telephone to make an appointment and just put it down again, hence the long lists by the time I actually turn up for an appointment :(

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14 Jun 2009, 7:21 am

Wow, I finally feel at home here. I do that all the time and wasnt sure if it was just me or others with aspies as well. I don't generally do it with my family, but with most situations and even with friends sometimes. I remember an incident last summer where I started writing out a list on the back of an envelope of how the conversation was suppose to go with a friend. A buddy of mine asked me what I was doing and when I explained he thought it was the weirdest thing he had ever heard. I actually thought at the time that it was normal and that everyone does it.
It makes sense now why people tell me I talk at them than waiting my turn to speak, listening, and then engage.
I've got literally 100's of lists around my room written on scratch paper. they usually go like this:

1.some topic to open with
2. Next point

and so on. I'm just really glad that I read this thread. I feel normal again.


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14 Jun 2009, 9:11 am

1.some topic to open with
2. Next point

Exactly what I do, it rarely goes to plan I rehearse over and over and over asnd over again I have done it sijnce I was 9 so in my theory it is one of those symptoms that materialises over time my aspie friend says he does the same but he did it form he was about 12 - 13 and it is generally the case, surprisingly when I was a kid til about 12 I had about 5 really close friends but I had the symptoms like the obsessions and everything everyone realised I was weird when I was about 10 / 9 / 11. The it really hit home from then I always had 3 friends either way. I never seem to hold them though its been the curse of AS in my opinions


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14 Jun 2009, 10:54 am

sbcmetroguy wrote:
Friend, I rehearse conversations all the time. I also go back over conversations often as well, inserting what I believe might have sounded better at the time. I'm not a quick-witted person, I do not think fast on my feet, so I often say things that I think sound stupid. Sometimes I even think up conversations which may never happen, but if I am thinking about a particular person or situation, I might start acting as if I'm having a conversation with someone. Usually I do all this when I'm in the bathroom or the shower, and often while driving in my car as well.

Ditto on nearly every point. Wow. I rehearse a lot of conversations in my head, but I do it more as a kind of practice rather than a true rehearsal since I often have no control over where actual conversations will go. I spend quite a bit of time analyzing conversations I've had to see what worked and what didn't. I think I can think fairly fast on my feet, but I think that's mostly due to my experience watching movies, TV, and reading books which provides me a pretty good resevoir of material to pull from (most of my clever remarks I've heard elsewhere before, but no one seems to notice it and think I'm being creative...don't tell them my secret! :wink: ). I will say that if something happens that I just didn't expect or something comes up that's nowhere near what I rehearsed I tend to freeze up, stammer, and stare at my feet. Oh, and I also tend to have imaginary conversations with people I am thinking about, though for me it's almost always in the car.

Now, answering machines...whole other story! Once in a while I rehearse messages I might leave on an answering machine/voicemail if I think that's a likely possibility, but I don't do it anywhere near as much as regular conversations. When I rehearse them I tend to sound somewhat robotic (I think) and when I don't rehearse them I feel like I'm not expressing my thoughts as coherently as I'd like, making me feel like I just lost several IQ points in the process.


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14 Jun 2009, 11:35 am

I like to think about what I'm going to say too, especially if I don't want to forget something important I need to tell the doctor/dentist.


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14 Jun 2009, 11:38 am

god its only 18 hours and 6 minutes now til my referalenquiry absolutely terrfied as this is in y theory and logic one of the most important days of my life of understaning, I hope there is some kind0f pre detemination in this event.
I a gong o write a few page bio of my childhood to evauate my poin i the UK the referal enquiry is the hardest part, out of all people I can hanle psychologists the easest still very closed and nervous, don't know what to say but I think theres tht fail safe security hen yu step throuh the threshold. the brain has that automatic perception and privacy, supreme logic in my opinion I am just too logical for humanity lo am like a computer lol


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14 Jun 2009, 12:06 pm

I do that very often. I always practice converations in my head, although usually they never turn out how they do in my head. :roll:

?For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.?