pschristmas wrote:
I don't like to interrupt, either. I will often wait and wait for a conversation break that never comes and then have people wonder why I didn't just speak up if I needed one of them -- or occasionally just the hall or doorway or flight of stairs they're blocking for their conversation.

I've learned to say "excuse me" and pass through in the last instance, but it still doesn't sit well with me. I've always attributed this to my mother's manners training, but maybe I take it to extremes?
and yet, it's somehow not seen as rude for them to block the hall/door as you said. feh. i will go out of my way to wait till they've voided that space so as not to give them the satisfaction they've blocked me. most of it is a power trip, you know.
i work as a hospital housekeeper (the worst possible environment, you can cut the estrogen in the air with a knife), and i deal with this incessantly, every day. i always have to wait my turn to ask a usually important, job-related question, while they're talking (and believe me, they're always talking, 90% of their day is talking or eating), and yet if on the rare occasion i get to talk or chat with someone who will speak to me, someone will ALWAYS come along and just outright interrupt and hijack the conversation, and it's not to ask a question, it's just to completely take over. i suddenly become the third person and have to turn away because i then feel like i'm obligated to "know my place" and slink off, even though i was there first. today i was actually having a discussion with someone i consider a good friend about some
private family matters from my childhood, and this one CNA still came up and just outright butt in to talk about haircuts. i put up with this day after day and it makes me feel like a nothing, an object. i've come to the conclusion that the easier it is for people to interrupt you, the less of a person you must appear to them. almost like you have "bottom of the hierarchy" printed on your forehead that only they can read.