lionesss wrote:
I am emetophobic and claustrophobic. I also have a phobia of going into forests not because of the possibility of being attacked.. but because of the possibility of finding a corpse! Yep....
Emetophobia here too. Which has generalized from just fear of throwing up, to fear of other people throwing up, as well as a fear of gagging (due to the association: you can't really throw up without gagging). This is my oldest and strongest phobia, although thankfully has lessened over the years in that I learned over time it's harder to catch stomach viruses than I used to think. So I'm less OCD about it. My fear of gagging has also generalized to fear of the dentist (I have a sensitive gag reflex and can't go to the dentist without constantly gagging) and swallowing pills.
I also have a
fear of falling. No idea why, I've never really taken a big fall from which I've gotten the s**t scared out of me. I know my balance isn't the greatest and so I've always tended to be very careful while walking or running, always looking down. I fear falling simultaneously for getting horribly hurt from falling (like tumbling down stairs and breaking my neck) but also the public humiliation. Strangely, I'm sure if I fell down some stairs and broke my neck, I'd have more important things to think about (if I were even conscious) than how ridiculous I look to other people. But nevertheless, that's what scares me. And unfortunately I get flashes of horrible falling scenes, even though it's never really happened. I may start walking down some stairs and suddenly get a flash of myself falling and breaking my neck and it just makes me cringe and start to do my eye tic.
Public bathroom phobia. It's not that I'm scared of the public bathrooms themselves, it's just the fact I can barely stand to use the restroom while someone else is in there with me. Just the thought that somebody could come in at any moment makes it extremely difficult to um... you know. Over the years, I've gotten more used to urinating in public bathrooms, although if somebody else is in there I usually have to wait until somebody flushes a toilet or uses the sink or something. But as far as #2, that's just impossible. I can't do it while somebody else is around. So if I'm out in public and just can't wait until I get home, I have to try and find the most secluded bathroom possible-- which can sometimes be quite a search.
Finally I have a fear of
deep murky waters. I'm one person you'd never see going into the ocean any further than just beyond the shore (despite that worse things frequently happen to people there). I've never been fond of water but it's moreso the things that could BE in the water that scare me. And what's more, I fear UNREALISTIC things: like one of the worst scenarios I can picture is me being out in the middle of an ocean and seeing a megalodon shark heading my way (yes, in my scenario I actually see it coming, heh). zOMG, that sends chills up my spine like no other. And strangely enough, trying to console myself that such creatures are extinct does little to quell the fear...