The very earliest memory I have, though vague in some aspects, was remembering crawling out of my crib by my own power, only to be put back in right away...I may have been only 2 1/2 at the time.
However, the 2 earliest instances that I do remember crystal clearly were in between the period of January to June of 1976, only months after my family moved to Wells (were I was a 'prisoner' for 33 years
). The first had to do with engaging in frottage with every piece of furniture in the living room...even the first few carpeted stair steps on our staircase, while my parents and baby brother were taking a nap.
The second is by far the most beautiful, and not as's listening to my dad's tiny AM radio that looked like a bookshelf, and hearing the song "So Long Frank Lloyd Wright" by Simon and Garfunkel. Today, just hearing that song makes me feel so calm and at peace, reminding me of those happier innocent days. ^_^