willmark wrote:
I love to watch other people move to music, and when I see someone who is totally given over to the music, do you know what I mean, I can see it on their face. When I see that, it can make me cry, it is so beautiful, but I don't seem to possess that ability myself.
You don't possess the ability to make people feel that way, or you can't feet that way yourself? I am truly blessed, for I can make people feel that way. It's my absolute favorite way to make people happy. When the music is really good at a dance, I can feel that way myself. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
shomnec wrote:
In my own case, my rigidity comes from my terror at exposing my autistic-like symptoms/characteristics. If I let go, and I mean *really* let go, I actually find that I'm less rigid than the NT's I interact with. When I was a kid, I spontaneously burst into physical surrender (dancing, shaking, whatever I wanted) all the time. I'm only re-discovering that same part of me now that I've found out about Aspergers.
I used to sing to myself aloud all of the time and dance around as a kid. I never really got out of the habit, actually. I will tapdance in elevators or when walking down the hallway. It seems natural to me to do it, so I just do it. I'm sure that people think I'm weird, and I do have a tendency to tone it down in public. But when I get home I cut loose on our hardwoods, particularly if there is good music playing.
"That leap of logic should have broken his legs." - Janissy