pekkla wrote:
If there is one thing I do not like, and have never really understood, its how to compete. I don't have a desire to win games that I'm playing, and I don't know how to set up a game plan or an "agenda" to get what I want. It isn't that I mind winning. I get excited when my daughter's soccer team wins, I was excited when Obama won the election last year, but I do not put myself in competitve situations. I don't like "selling" myself. Is this an aspie trait? Does anyone else out there feel this way?
i think it is an aspie trait as i also got a lot of comments on my lack of interest in competing
NT usually assign such behavior to laziness,innocence ,snobbery or a bunch of other contradicting labels but to me it sits very well with our other so called traits which basically express our ability to perceives reality as an integrated mufti dimensional "thing"
some AS maybe very ambitious as the try to compensate for their lack of social status or visibility but i find that many AS simply doesn't understand the concept of loosing and winning and to me this is very nice and endearing property that makes us better persons than the average NT
i think many of us been bullied because the NT around us were afraid we are winning in area they couldn't do well as us such as science,art and tech while all we were doing is persuing our interests