Spazzergasm wrote:
I'm hearing people saying how they literally cant speak. when they shut down or get an overload. what sort of situations cause this? and how does it feel? does it happen to you?
that's never happened to me, does this mean i cant have aspergers?
Let me see if I can explain the way I experience this...
It is as if I literally
can't speak. The words, they are in my mind (usually), but they just will
not come through to my mouth and out. It is as if they are
stuck, and there is not way to dislodge them. It feels like my throat is closed up and tight, almost like when you get a lump in your throat as you are about to cry. That is what it feels like
physically. Mentally, it is really just a block, like nothing is coming through and intends to stay that way.
It usually happens to me in large crowds, school, and generally in places or with people I am not comfortable with. It is very stressful as it is happening, but after the situation is over or I am back in my comfort zone, it improves until I feel
normal again.
Luckily, most people are fairly understanding when it happens (well, at least people who know me). They do not try to force me to talk because, I think, they understand that it is difficult, even if they do not really understand why it happens.
I hope that makes sense and I that I did not type a post full of gibberish.