Noise. Is anyone else really bothered by it?

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29 Sep 2009, 6:01 pm

I mean REALLY bothered by noise. As in, it can turn your mood on a dime.... irritate the hell out of you and basically just piss you right off?

I've felt like such a freak over this. It's such a huge problem for me. It annoys my husband that I get so irritated over noise. But I just can not help it.

I've asked tdocs and pdocs about it and most of them have no answers for me. Leaving me feeling like I'm the only one with this problem.

Then I got the suggestion from my current pdoc that I appear to have some HFA traits. I've done a bit of research and I'm finding out that people on the spectrum can have sensory issues. So I wonder if this is why I am this way over noise.

Just wondering if anyone else suffers this so much that it interferes with their lives.


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29 Sep 2009, 6:19 pm

yes. being in loud places really wears me out. shrieking voices are painful. a whistle will make me cover my ears. my hearing is really iffy because I had a lot of ear infections as a kid, but too much noise will eventually push me over the edge.


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29 Sep 2009, 6:20 pm

I like some when I'm in control of whether it should be noisy (mainly occasional listening to hard rock), but other than that I DETEST noise, particularly street sweepers, jack hammers, tree shredders, loud commercials etc.

Oh - almost forgot one of my pet peeves concerning noise. The setup situation is as follows:

I am walking down the street towards a group of people walking towards me who are talking in an animated fashion and having lots of fun, who JUST AS THEY GET TO MY EARSHOT, laugh out loud or pick up the volume of their convo and BOMBARD my ears. I want to PUNCH them!! !! !! !! !! !! !


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29 Sep 2009, 6:27 pm

that reminds me, I've almost gone off the deep end a few times this summer over non-stop lawnmowing. I wish everyone would mow their lawns at the same time and get it over with, or get person-powered mowers, or just not have a stupid lawn. I replaced all the grass in my yard because I cannot bear the smell of cut grass, and if I had to mow with a gas mower I'd vomit, then be in a bad mood all day from having to listen to the mower motor.


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29 Sep 2009, 6:29 pm


The barely audible murmur of television or radio from an adjacent apartment gets locked in my brain and it's like a cross between a buzzing fly in my face and the sound of something coming up behind and getting closer and getting closer and getting closer and getting closer and getting closer - and it never gets here, it's eternally getting closer.

If it can actually be fully heard, that's a whole different thing.

Buzzing fluorescent lights - aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! get it out of my head!! !! !! !! !!

and there's others.

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29 Sep 2009, 7:06 pm

Yes, absolutely!!


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29 Sep 2009, 7:09 pm

I'm bothered by loud noise and irritating noise. My tolerance varies with my mood.

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29 Sep 2009, 7:16 pm

it depends. Some noises do not bother me at all.

If I'm in a mood, though, and I'm trying to sleep, I will be very cranky if someone's got the TV in the living room on too loud, or if someone's playing the piano at 11:30 at night.


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29 Sep 2009, 7:24 pm

I usually like familiar music playing just loud enough to hear it in the background, and I very occasionally "kick it up" for a couple of minutes, but not for long since it quickly becomes distracting. I sometimes have to deal with a second radio in the shop where I work, and I have occasionally left work early to get away from it. A certain hydraulic motor running monotonously in the next room at work or a diesel truck left running in front of my shop can be very troubling, and I have to take a calming breath and "bite my tougue", so to speak, whenever somebody near me is eating anything noisy or noisily ... and my wife cracking gum almost always gets an immediate "Stop that!"

Other than that, I do fine as long as my tinnitis does not get too bad on any given day.

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29 Sep 2009, 8:05 pm

I don't mind a noisy environment with lots of people talking: restaurants, public places, that sort of thing.

I can't stand noise at work, or when I'm at home trying to have a quiet evening.

I HATE the noise of power tools, diesel engines, modified exhaust systems, bass... anything loud and low frequency. I have a mild synesthesia. I perceive low frequency noise as something crawling over me or through me. it is very disconcerting.

Footsteps on a floor above me also seem to bother me greatly, especially late at night. No one else seems to care though.


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29 Sep 2009, 8:40 pm

Noisy environments don't particularly bother me (I don't enjoy them, but they aren't painful), it is usually little sounds that drive me crazy. Repetitive sounds: clocks ticking, my cats licking themselves (one of the worst!!), chewing gum loudly, someone clicking their nails, etc.. make me want to put my head (or theirs!) through a wall. :evil:

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29 Sep 2009, 8:40 pm

leejosepho wrote:
A certain hydraulic motor running monotonously in the next room at work or a diesel truck left running in front of my shop can be very troubling

Ugh! I hate the sound of a truck idling anywhere nearby. I dread garbage pick up day, because I can hear those big, grumbling trucks approaching. They stop frequently, and then move on for a bit, all the time that horrible rumbling that is actually painful to listen to. Add to that, bass car stereos, loud convos, etc. :evil:

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29 Sep 2009, 8:57 pm

Actual noise doesn't bother me, unless it's way too loud; but music or anything rhythmical is really annoying. "Monotonous", yeah, that's the proper term for it.


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29 Sep 2009, 9:30 pm

Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to know I'm not such a freak but not so nice to know that other people suffer the same way.

Low frequency noise is an issue for me also. Any of that crap that can penetrate the walls of my house. It's like I'm being intruded upon.

And if I could, I'd beat all those driving bass cars into a bloody pulp. There's just no reason for that crap except to annoy people. I used to live in a neighborhood that had an awful problem with boom cars. All day and night, it was horrible. I think living there for four years actually made my noise sensitivity worse. I had to sleep in the basement with a huge fan running. I hated living there.

It's not so bad where I live now but like when the neighbor cuts his lawn there's that low frequency sound that comes into my home and makes me crazy. He's got the loudest damned mower I've ever heard. I can't stand to be outside when he's running the stupid thing.


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29 Sep 2009, 10:01 pm

Oh, yeah, those you just described are the worst.


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29 Sep 2009, 11:08 pm

Talking. People talking is what bothers me.

I don't mind anything else, really. I hate people talking when I'm trying to sleep, that's the worst for me, then crowds.