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17 Oct 2009, 12:05 am

Does anyone else do this as a stimming behavior? Sometimes it's one or two words over and over again, sometimes several sounds said in a rhythmical way, or it could be a series of animal noises. These are noises I just feel compelled to make, and so I do. I used to think of it as tics, but now it seems more like stimming behavior because I can suppress them when needed.


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17 Oct 2009, 1:05 am

Most of my vocal stims are repeated nonsensical strings of words...but when I was a kid I would go through phases where I felt like I could not control my urge to keep making duck sounds....


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17 Oct 2009, 1:24 am

I do. I usually only do it at home though, rarely out in public. At home i'll echo my dogs' barking sometimes, repeat fun words(like when i'm talking to my dogs, i think the word "chihuahua" is fun to say, so i'll repeat the sounds different ways like "chihua, chichihuahua, chiiiiiiiihuahuaaaaa," my dogs must think i'm nuts), sometimes just make noises that i think are interesting. I meow at my cats, or sometimes just for fun. Monkey noises are fun, too. I also repeat things i hear on tv a lot, when i think the way someone said something sounds funny. And sometimes i'll fake out my parents into thinking the wind is blowing really hard outside, because i can do this whistle noise that sounds a lot like wind outside.. yeah. I don't really think i'm usually compelled to do this stuff though, I just find it amusing to make noises to myself(or to my pets). Usually this isn't when i'm around a lot of other people or anything, except every now and then i might add a sound effect to something i say to someone.


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17 Oct 2009, 3:46 am

Sometimes I have the urge to make this sound using my lips like "bbbbbbbbbbb" kind of like a motorcycle sound but more emphasis on the b. It kind of sounds like a cartoon helicopter sound. when I do it, I vary in pitch and frequency, sometimes doing it really fast or slowing down. My mom is annoyed by it. I usually do it when my little niece and nephew are around.

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17 Oct 2009, 3:54 am

Sati wrote:
Does anyone else do this as a stimming behavior? Sometimes it's one or two words over and over again, sometimes several sounds said in a rhythmical way, or it could be a series of animal noises. These are noises I just feel compelled to make, and so I do. I used to think of it as tics, but now it seems more like stimming behavior because I can suppress them when needed.

I do tend to verbally 'stim', repeating single words or short phrases.

I mostly do this alone or in the 'safety' or my (non biological) family.

No animal noises for me which even with my strange disposition seems to be a very, very weird demonstration!

That is meant to be a comment about animal noises and NOT about you..........


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17 Oct 2009, 7:42 am

I'm 49 and still make animal sounds. I always mimic the sounds my dogs make back to them - it sends them nuts! Also silly little phrases or words get stuck in my head and I often mumble them aloud when alone. The words are complete nonsense. Not sure why I do it.

I also like to make a very loud clap with my hands especially if outdoors and listen to the echo - it is almost like a gunshot. I don't do it when strangers are around though - they would think I'm "odd".

A visitor to the house once thought I was playing on a synthesizer in another room - I felt somewhat embarrassed to admit that it was me making the noises.

One of my favourites is to make the sound of a fly buzzing and look around the room as though I'm looking at it - this also sends my dogs silly looking for the noisy insect. My cat impression gets the best results though - they fly out of the house running around looking for a none-existent cat!

I'm either barking mad or it is something to do with Aspergers :lol:

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17 Oct 2009, 7:46 am

I don't make weiird sounds. Do sometimes say random words, but I don't have hte animal noise thing. Know some autistics who do this though, and it annoys me.

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17 Oct 2009, 8:47 am

I don't, but my husband does all the time! Animal sounds, screeching, random weird noises. His parents say he's always done it. He's very good at knowing when he can get away with it without seeming too crazy. He seems compelled to do it, so I call it a stim, but he'll look for the opportunity to do it to purposely annoy someone else, or to tease an animal. I can't blame him, I've got plenty of stims of my own, just not sounds. :)


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17 Oct 2009, 8:50 am

My biggest is this thing I do where I squeeze air out between my back teeth.. it's really loud to me, 'cause it created vibrations pretty much IN my ear canal.. apparently it just sounds like a little gurgling noise to anyone outside my skull, though. When I mentioned it to my mom when I was talking to her about AS, she had no clue what I was talking about. But I did it CONSTANTLY throughout my childhood.. maybe especially in school, but I know I did it other times too.


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18 Oct 2009, 11:15 pm

I sometimes make cat sounds. Mostly "erowr'. Dunno if this is 'stimming' behavior though, just a habit.

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18 Oct 2009, 11:40 pm

Yes I do and I have had people run away from me for doing it. 8O

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19 Oct 2009, 12:02 am

Oh, and to add a little thing from my childhood.. my mom told me that once when i was in the waiting room of a doctor's office when i was around three, i was playing with a toy... Then some other kid came up and tried to play with the toy i was playing with, and i hissed(like a cat or snake) really loud at him. He then left me alone.


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19 Oct 2009, 12:27 am

yes ive been knowing to make animal noises randomly, not always but i think thats apart of tics, i bark soemtimess its weird, or wierd growls, haha

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19 Oct 2009, 6:01 am

I speak to those close to me in cat language. With my mum and some friends it's mostly limited to greetings but with my boyfriend it's a whole language. We meow to be affectionate, to ask for something, to say thank you, to express sadness. We hiss too :P

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19 Oct 2009, 1:44 pm

TouchVanDerBoom wrote:
I speak to those close to me in cat language. With my mum and some friends it's mostly limited to greetings but with my boyfriend it's a whole language. We meow to be affectionate, to ask for something, to say thank you, to express sadness. We hiss too :P

That's what I do, too! lol.
This week, though, I was shopping for a new TV with my boyfriend and we walked past a christmas tree, and I hissed in its direction. He thought that was the weirdest thing ever. Then I purred at him.


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19 Oct 2009, 1:59 pm

I start humming when something pisses me off.