I was good at very specific parts of sports. All of the following examples are from when I was young, I haven't played sports since grade 9.
Soccer: I had a very powerful kick so they had me on defense and I would kick the ball back to the other end of the field with great force.
Volleyball: I was amazing at serving the ball in a way that the other team could not return the ball. I was at one tournament where our coach offered us a free pizza for every time we got points on all our serves in a row. I got 5 pizzas by the end of the day.
Baseball: Again it was power here, I usually hit the ball way far out into the field, though slow running meant I couldn't get very far on the bases.
Basketball: I was pretty terrible at this game, I sprained all my fingers at one point or another, which screwed up my volleyball playing
Rugby: Could never quite grasp the rules, I usually found some clever excuse to sit out or just plain skip gym class on rugby days.
Ice Skating: I was a good skater, quite fast once I got going. Never tried hockey.
Swimming: Not a great swimmer but can keep afloat.
Frisbee Golf: Was decent, I'm a good frisbee thrower due to lots of practice with my dog.
Gymnastics: Recently found and watched a video of one of our performances. I was always to the side of the group, and seemed pretty uncoordinated in general. I loved it though. I was really young but I think I remember having fun.
At my elementary school we used to have Olympics days in gym class. I was surprisingly awesome at high jump despite being really overweight. Terrible at running, long jump, and triple jump. Good at shotput, not so good at javelin throwing.
I miss some sports sometimes but, like everything else in my life, I quit them all a long time ago. Some quickly, some after many years playing. I'd still like to try tennis, squash, and rowing sometime. As well as some extreme sports like rock climbing and skydiving. And scuba diving if that counts as a sport.