Jaydog1212 wrote:
I don't know if it's an AS thing or not but I'm so emotionally sensitive. I hate it. I try to tell myself to buck up but it really doesn't work that well. I may be able to save it until I get home but I eventually I get into this haze.
Usually I feel like I was treated unfairly or misunderstood. Yes, I have tried years of therapy and it doesn't help that much. I'm getting help with depression but being sensitive is still an issue.
Is this an issue with anyone else?
It's so embarrassing, I don't think it's as acceptable for a guy to be like this.

this is one hell of an issue and always was
i think its an AS thing because it corresponds well with many of our other 'traits'
in a way it's harder for the males cause we are not suppose to so delicate
though i happened to meet some woman who found it very attractive and i think the trend is working for us
finding a woman who can get extreme sensetivity in man is not easy
perhaps AS female can get it better
there is something androgynous in autism
i like it and think we are much more manly than the macho's and can cary much heavier loads,where it really counts, then the 'men' man