PunkyKat wrote:
Supposedly they cured her with stem cells. If somene ever tells me I should try out a BS claim for a cure, I'll tell them to go f**k themselves. The only way we will elimiante autism is to detect the genes that cause it (if there even are any) and abort the babies who have the detected genes. Same thing we do to kids with Down Syndrome. Not everyone who knows they are going to have a child with Down Syndrome does abort them but then Down Syndrome dosen't have the stigma that autism does. Is it because people with Down Snydrome are more friendly than an autistic person who's all standoffish?
I STILL say this is NOT autism, it is CDD!! !! ! After all, if this isn't CDD, then why does it fit CDD and not autism? They figure she couldn't talk(AFTER she could), and that she was reclusive(Wouldn't YOU be if you couldn't communicate and were frustrated?), and so it is autism. I contend that it is CDD which is easily identified by a regression around 2 and LEADS to autism LIKE symptoms.
Why don't we say 50% of men have alopecia, because male pattern baldness looks a little similar, or that most women have a bleeding disorder? It would make as much sense.
Frankly, I don't believe in stem cells, in the way they are presented. And there IS the idea of a growthspurt, and placebo effect that can come in play. The treatment can give them hope, so they give more attention to progress which means the child is more likely to succeed, etc... ALSO, she may have merely lost access to some things that, when triggered, will make her appear to learn FAR faster than normal, when it is simply recall of information she learned earlier at a normal rate.