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18 Feb 2010, 8:29 pm

Does anyone else have problems with this? Sometimes, usually when I'm tired, I just can't stand to be around people. Their voices start to hurt my ears and I become super sensitive to everything. I guess you could call this an overload. Well, when I get like this, there are a few people who just will not leave me alone. I tell them, "You're not helping...stop touching me...I need to be alone...I'm tired and stressed...nothing's wrong, I'm not mad at you." But they still don't get it. One guy in particular can really sense when I'm like this and he feels like it's his job to make me feel better. He's doing the exact opposite with his obsessive compulsive need to be liked and to be the one who makes everyone happy. He's making me crazy. I like him a lot when I'm happy and have energy, but I can't stand him when I'm tired. When I try to explain to him what being mildly autistic is like, he just argues with me. I really don't know what to do.


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18 Feb 2010, 8:47 pm

I had a problem with my husband where he wouldn't leave me alone when I told him to. I have to get nasty to get him to back off because he just can't listen to these simple words "leave me alone." I don't know what I need to say to get him to listen.


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18 Feb 2010, 8:49 pm

I know. Some days I just want sit alone while on my bus ride home, but there is this one girl on my bus who keeps talking to me, even when I want to be alone. I tell her its not personal but she insists on pushing me to talk to her. Or friends when they ask if "something is wrong". Nothing is ever really wrong, I just get an over load in social situations.


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18 Feb 2010, 8:57 pm

I have similar trubble, but I put in ear plugs
and put on dark glasses because I still want
to talk but everything is too loud and too
bright without the plugs and shades.

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18 Feb 2010, 9:07 pm

Yes I relate to this. I usually lock myself in my room and play my music loud, lol.

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18 Feb 2010, 9:56 pm

Yeah, some people think it's their job to make people better. And every so often, the just don't understand autism. You try to explain, and they just want to change your behavior because it's not normal. You just need to remind them that it's not a discussion; you are stating facts.

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18 Feb 2010, 10:18 pm

STALKERS, OBSESSIVE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SEX YOU UP, but see....they're just "DIFFERENT"...let's accept them the way they are......get it?


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18 Feb 2010, 10:20 pm

LittleTigger wrote:
I have similar trubble, but I put in ear plugs
and put on dark glasses because I still want
to talk but everything is too loud and too
bright without the plugs and shades.

Maybe that's the problem. When I get tired, or when something goes wrong in my routine, I get overloaded and I swear my sensed go up 30%. Everything just gets to be too much, touching, smells, sounds and voices. I wish I could wear earplugs to work but unfortunately that would not go well.

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18 Feb 2010, 10:22 pm

nah, just deal with the BS


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18 Feb 2010, 10:36 pm

Well, I'm usually peaceful, but when my parents keep bugging me about my haircut, for example, I just start shouting at them angrily to leave me alone. That keeps them away for some time.

In high school when my friends decided it was fun to lift me because I'm light (kind of a weird game), and I asked them not to, and it didn't help, I got a little violent for a few seconds, till they stopped, just to release myself. They were shocked, but we were on friendly terms again five minutes later.

Just give him an angry expression and yell at him once or twice. Not to offensive, but till he doesn't want to try it anymore.

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18 Feb 2010, 10:44 pm


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18 Feb 2010, 10:45 pm

pensieve wrote:
Yes I relate to this. I usually lock myself in my room and play my music loud, lol.

saaaame here...and you know?, i keep bumpin' music....i think i'm going to start rapping with my mic with the DOOR open just to piss them off more hahaha, i'm evil

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18 Feb 2010, 11:13 pm

If I want to be left alone, I become more angry than passive. This wasn't the case when I was younger, but nowadays act extraordinarily insensitive and mean towards people I want nothing to do with. If people continue to push conversation, I tend to push back. Almost...venomisly. With a little too much bite y'know?


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18 Feb 2010, 11:41 pm

Same. I have this friend who keeps inadvertently annoying me. I can't say anything without him laughing (like in a friendly way, not a mean way) but it still becomes annoying.
It's gotten to where I have to eat alone in a classroom hiding so that he cannot find me.
He follows me everywhere. The most annoying thing he does is tell me what I am feeling. Like if I'm angry or if I'm laughing when I'm not. I yelled at him today, he stopped. Probably will pick up again though tomorrow. *sigh*
Same occurs at church where I don't like to talk to the other members and I just want to be left alone, or around people I don't know.
Even at home, mom keeps asking me what I'm doing, or if I'm doing my homework. Or calls me down too early to eat dinner, like an hour early when I want to be alone and write.
But I've learned long ago that as long as I'm alive I have to learn to live with people.

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19 Feb 2010, 12:08 am

that's his problem.


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19 Feb 2010, 2:17 am

My mother used to get mad at me for keeping my door shut. Never did understand it.

Otherwise, I have rarely had the problem - most people find me dull enough and offputting. Still: there is one type of person that constantly wants to closer in to make contact, while I edge further away. And once in a blue moon someone OTHER than one of the Folk - the ones I can talk to - inexplicably gets fixated on me and tries to befriend. Very hard when someone NOT a potential friend presses in.

Rarely gets to the point of anger, but it has been known to happen.