I used to have them intermittently from the time I was a small child up until about the mid-1990s. I could tell it was happening/escalating because I'd get this weird feeling like my heart was racing and my stomach clenching and my head felt like it was in a tornado, but it was hard to stop and if whatever it was that was causing me to become distressed didn't stop, I'd go into a rage that I only remembered parts of. It was provoked but WAY out of proportion to whatever provoked it. Once I broke my finger during a meltdown by pounding on of all things an alarm clock. I had to go to work afterwards and then I felt like crap because when ppl asked, I lied about how I hurt myself (ashamed to tell the truth, but dont' like lying either). Around the mid-90s (around the time I turned 30) I started to become more aware of that feeling and when it started I would go into a room by myself, turn the lights off, and put a pillow or towel over my ears so no sound could get in, then just try to go numb. Over time, I became better at it so that I could just close my eyes and start to "go numb". Problem with that approach is that now I don't have that kind of meltdown any more (I still get angry but it's limited to much more "normal" expressions like shouting or cussing or dirty looks), but I am a lot more numb. I can only cry if I'm alone, and even then there's not much relief from the stress. At least this is more socially acceptable...