zeldapsychology wrote:
Burgers anywhere (plain/meat/cheese!! NOTHING ELSE!)
Chili's ($15 Chicken Fajitas plain/meat/cheese (NOTHING ELSE!) I tried the "taco version" but the shell was hard and the chicken was different sure it was only $10 but I'll stick to the $15 fajitas.
SAM'S Club (cinnamon Pretzel I HATE there pizza!)
There are others but basically I hate trying something new since I usually don't like it.
Is anyone else like this?
for the most part, yes; and when I do give something a try it's because my room-mate and his girlfriend made some food and they offered me a taste of it.
The way I see it, I ain't forkin' over money for food I'm not gonna eat; and if I don't like it, I'm
not eating it.