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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Mar 2006, 7:53 am

I'm 14, and was diagnosed with AS when I was around 10-11, but a so called professional. I've had to live with the insults and the fact I'm thought of as different for a good part of my early teenage life, but the more I read and study AS, the more I don't believe I have it.

I have fairly decent social skills (hell, I speak to people I don't know and manage to make friends with people outside a school situation), I've had girlfriends (I've been told A-sexuality is a trait of AS, although I think that's unlikely), - certainly not traits of the AS I've read about.

I've spoken to some people about it, and a lot have even said I don't "look" or act like someone with AS, is there a stereotypical AS look, I haven't read about the genetics of AS. ... CT1066.jpg ... CT1065.jpg ... CT0905.jpg ... ure044.jpg ... 83b85f.jpg ... CT0856.jpg ... CT2246.jpg

That's me, do I look sterotypically autistic - if there is a sterotypical look?

Also, I realise some parts of this post sound somewhat disrespectfull, I mean to cause no offence and have met many genune and intelligent people who have aspergers and Autism.

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23 Mar 2006, 8:37 am

To me you definitely look stereotypically Asperger's Syndrome.


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23 Mar 2006, 8:39 am

You do look quite AS. :)

Look like you need a hair cut, mind. :D :wink:

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23 Mar 2006, 8:43 am

A_Dark_Star wrote:
I'm 14, and was diagnosed with AS when I was around 10-11, but a so called professional. I've had to live with the insults and the fact I'm thought of as different for a good part of my early teenage life, but the more I read and study AS, the more I don't believe I have it.


I have fairly decent social skills (hell, I speak to people I don't know and manage to make friends with people outside a school situation), I've had girlfriends (I've been told A-sexuality is a trait of AS, although I think that's unlikely), - certainly not traits of the AS I've read about.

Having AS doesn't mean you can't make friends, never have a girlfriend or don't have social skills. It is a major problem among many aspies, but then again, asperger is a spectrum disorder. Meaning it's very different for everybody.
Also, a-sexuality isn't a major trait among AS. There are a lot of a-sexual aspies, but they are a minority.

I've spoken to some people about it, and a lot have even said I don't "look" or act like someone with AS, is there a stereotypical AS look, I haven't read about the genetics of AS.

Don't kid yourself. There is no such thing as a stereotypical look. Not biologicaly speaking.

Also, I realise some parts of this post sound somewhat disrespectfull, I mean to cause no offence and have met many genune and intelligent people who have aspergers and Autism.

no offence taken.

I can't tell you if you have AS or not, but you are looking at the wrong things.

Now for some psychobable, it occurs to me that, since you are just 14, you do not like to be "different", you dont want to be an aspie. So you are desperatly looking for reasons why you can't be.

I hope this post helps.


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23 Mar 2006, 9:34 am

As far as definite studied physical characteristics to Autism or Aspergers, there are none that have stood out on the autism spectrum to researchers at this point and likely won't where it is a spectrum and Autism/Aspergers is diagnosed is based off of neurological-based issues like social deficits, communication deficts, etc. not based on physical appearance. To me you look no more than just human, whether you had stated you had AS or not, you wouldn't really look different to me other than just being a male.


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23 Mar 2006, 10:32 am

Tequila wrote:
Look like you need a hair cut, mind. :D :wink:

:lol: No, no! That's the new style. My 14 year-old's hair is the same. As is a significant minority of the other 14 year olds in his high school. Saves me a ton of more barber shop for him!

Dark Star,
I'm sorry that we can't tell you much based on what we have heard. Why is the label important anyway? If you don't act stereotypically anything, people won't pigeon hole you anyway.



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23 Mar 2006, 10:40 am

It's not about a *look*, it's inside you.

I'm AS and I have had a lot of friends at school from primary to university, I have a SO, a daughter, a house, job, car, etc.

I'm 35 and except me and my close family, absolutly no-one know I have AS...

you may have an "emo" look but be an AS inside you.

i's pathetic for us, AS :roll:

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23 Mar 2006, 11:20 am

You look very mellow to me, but I wouldn't say that you look "Stereotypical".


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23 Mar 2006, 11:44 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
You look very mellow to me, but I wouldn't say that you look "Stereotypical".

What do you mean about his looks? I don't see anything. I just don't get it.
Anyway Dark Star you are not alone in being stereotyped. I have always kept my under wraps so no one could tell any difference. If you don't act the part no one will ever notice. Take care.

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23 Mar 2006, 2:42 pm

i have to agree with those saying that you're looking at the wrong things.

Asperger Syndrome is not a "look". Although those of us with it tend to wear clothes for days or wear mismatched clothes, the reason for doing so is what has gotten us diagnosed, not the fact that we "look" different: when clothes are worn for days, they are comfortable on extremely sensitive skin.

i, personally, like to think of it as "breaking" my pants back in... and then i wear them for days. The process to get to where my clothes are comfortable again after being washed is horrible for me at times, and there are times when i'll put clothes on and rip them off in a matter of minutes because they're making my skin crawl.

Just two days ago, i was told by a neurologist that i don't "look" like someone with autism because i have excellent eye contact and social skills. Pthfff... that's fine and dandy... right up until you take into consideration the extreme sensory problems i have. Or take into consideration the fact that after almost every social interaction i have, i perseverate on how stupid i sounded. Or perseverate on every post i make online, whether or not i should delete it.

If i were in your position, here's what i would do:

You said you have friends... ask them some questions: Do you think i'm weird? Do I miss the point of what you're saying? Do i come off as rude? (That was a biggie for me in school). Do i talk differently than others you know? Do i get mad out of the blue?

Of course, asking a few questions won't determine if you are an Aspie, but it will give you an idea if your diagnosis is plausible.

Good luck!

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23 Mar 2006, 2:45 pm

BTW: i love your hair!

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23 Mar 2006, 3:08 pm

There isn't a particular look/sexuality/personality for AS, we are all different jut like NT's. We do have some similarities, but there isn't a blanket kind of person that fits us all. If you were diagnosed, then obviously you have some of the defining traits of it for the doctor to believe you had it. There are times when a diagnosis is wrong, but the fact you don't "look" like you have AS isn't really an idication of that. I could be wrong here, but I think your disbelieving your diagnosis has more to do with not wanting to be an aspie then whether or not you actually are.

I hate hearing, "you don't seem autistic/aspie". I have a nagging suspicion most people have no idea what autistic or aspie "seem" like in the first place...


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23 Mar 2006, 3:09 pm

Incidentally, my 8 year old aspie has the same hair cut you do. :)

I hate hearing, "you don't seem autistic/aspie". I have a nagging suspicion most people have no idea what autistic or aspie "seem" like in the first place...


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23 Mar 2006, 3:25 pm

Ah those things below where you type are actually links to pictures of you. How dumb can I be. Yes that's a good hair cut. I'm trying to get my hair to be like that of Squall from Final Fantasy 8. Hope things are going well for you.

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23 Mar 2006, 5:05 pm

rajih wrote:
Of course, asking a few questions won't determine if you are an Aspie, but it will give you an idea if your diagnosis is plausible.

Honest answers to some of the online Aspie tests can do that also, with the added advantage of not having to annoy people with rude questions.


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23 Mar 2006, 6:41 pm

A_Dark_Star wrote:
I have fairly decent social skills (hell, I speak to people I don't know and manage to make friends with people outside a school situation), I've had girlfriends (I've been told A-sexuality is a trait of AS, although I think that's unlikely), - certainly not traits of the AS I've read about.

I've spoken to some people about it, and a lot have even said I don't "look" or act like someone with AS, is there a stereotypical AS look, I haven't read about the genetics of AS.

Hmm.. maybe you're high functioning. I'm hi functioning and people can't tell I have AS a lot of the time unless I tell them.. I make an effort to talk more than a lot of NTs...

There isn't any set Look. I don't "look" like an aspie. I'll send you my photo if you PM me.. and promise not to show anyone else! :)