As most of you know, my biggest special interest is toys.
I thrive on 'em; I thrive on 'em so much I run my own retail website...which might I add is doing very, very well, especially as we haven't even been in business a full two years yet!
Anyway, on one of the message boards I frequent, I've been reading a lot of posts recently about folks selling off entire collections cause they just don't want 'em anymore, and replacing it with other stuff.
Now, one thing I will flat-out tell you about the toy community that I've learned from experience: whole collections get sold en masse from these folks, and often too. Likely one of the things that keeps the value from getting that high for a lot of stuff.
But I keep wondering: what's the point in constantly jumping for the latest, hot thing if you're just gonna sell it a few short years later? I don't get it. It just seems like a massive, massive waste of time and money to me. And don't forget: not only will people buy these goods online; in many cases, they'll drive all around doing toy-hunting, and will indeed pay top dollar for these items.
I understand bills come up and other things; I completely understand that in regards to why someone might need to sell off their collections( although in several cases I still say '"why would you do that; you'll just want it again anyway; bills won't go away, but once your collection is gone, that's it"). But I just don't understand the mentality of "buy it now, because it's cool and it's new, then sell the whole freakin' thing in almost less than 10 years and have no regrets over it". So then.....what honestly gave one the desire to buy it in the first place?! I don't get that!
Now, yes, I have sold off one of my collections: one, and only because I absolutely can't stand the show that the collection was based on anymore, so I figured there was no point to continue collecting the pieces; and with no point, why would I even want the collection anymore.
And some time back( virtually 10 years ago), I did sell a lot of my collection because I feared I'd never have the room for it...only to then buy it back deciding I was gonna find room, no matter what.
With the exception of that one collection, I've never sold off any other collections. Maybe one or two pieces here and there, but never, never my collections; I just wouldn't be able to justify it to myself...I worked so hard to compile them, why would I want to get rid of them?
Do I want more toys? Sure...but I'm not gonna sell the collections I have to get 'em!