Valoyossa wrote:
I'm often far far fay away. I'm AUTistic, so I can be aut (out). It helps me to survive during boring situations. When I do sth, I can do AUTomatic Mode On and I do this thing, but my mind goes away. I don't feel tired.
Sometimes I'm among many people, but I sit and stare at one point. I almost don't hear them and don't feel. I call it half-dead. Maybe it's a way to avoid harms of too-many-humans. They're really exhausting. People like to wave their hands before my eyes.
Hey, I do this, too. The more stressful a situation is the more I do it. I have to eat lunch with my coworkers everyday and they can be very overwhelming to be around because they talk about inane rubbish the whole time and talk over each other, etc. It's like a wall of yakking - my own petite hell. Though I'm sitting in the middle of it I'm usually off in my own world and not very aware of what they're talking about. So a lot of times they'll fuss at me for not having caught the right info or not joining in. I can't believe they haven't realized this is my own method of self preservation.
People waving their hands in front of my eyes can be feel very invasive. What's wrong with checking out?
As far as putting things where they don't go and little absent minded things like that - I do them sometimes, but not always.