Most of what I have read suggests that autistic people tend to be primarily Visual-Spatial learners. I've been quite sure for a number of years (dating back to before my self-diagnosis) that I am primarily an auditory-sequential learner, though I have strong visual abilities as well. I found a nifty test today that measures learning style along 7 different axes. My test results matched the expectation that I'd be primarily auditory. You can find that test here:
I'm interested in peoples' responses for a couple reasons. One is that I am at present undiagnosed and seeking evaluation. Some professionals have expressed skepticism, and I think that it's my ability to use expressive spoken language that makes them see me as NT. For my own benefit in terms of figuring out what kind of human I am, I'd like to find out if there are other auditory aspies out there, especially those with an official diagnosis.
I am also very interested in going into academic research on human evolution, neurodiversity, and autism. Learning styles seem to be largely looked at independently from autism and other learning disabilities, though there are some strong connections. Dyslexic people tend to be highly visual, for example. I wonder if the suggested trend towards visual-spatial learning among autistics holds true, and I also wonder if there's any utility in sorting aspies into different typologies based on learning style.
The problem isn't you.