I very much relate to this. One memory that stands out in my mind is a time in graduate school a few years ago. We were doing a small group activity in class. I participated actively in the discussion making several comments and suggestions. At the end of the activity, we had to submit a form to the professor with all our names on it. After everyone other than me had written their name on the form, the girl sitting right next to me started asking the other group members the procedure for submitting the form. I was just sitting there all confused, wondering why the group was discussing that particular matter at that particular moment, when suddenly, one of the other members turned to me and asked, "Wait - did you sign?" I participated actively in this discussion, yet the other members of my group just barely registered my presence.
Sadly, being overlooked is a regular occurrence in my life.
"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad./ The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."