I believe Aspies have been likened to Crystal Children, who only want to play with each other.
Frankly I still haven't diagnosed anybody else yet, though I seem to be very near to making a pronouncement on one - social gaffes, unusual eye contact, difficulty in shifting focus quickly from one thing to another, can't find a job, difficulty in getting fully included in groups, stays in a lot, awkward with touch, pathological honesty, very strange conversational style, forgets to do things that are not part of normal routine even when important........this person is also by far the most interesting one of the group, at least to me. My views are apparently not shared.
It could be just my preference for unusual people though - so what else should I be looking for, to find out if I'm right? One thing's for sure, my gut reaction says Aspie, and it's been saying that since long before I had much logical evidence. Wishful thinking or Aspie intuition?
How do you decide whether to tell an Aspie that you think they've got AS? It could change their life forever and not necessarily for the good in the short term, though I suppose self-knowledge is always a good thing eventually. Do we have the right to intervene like that? Do we have the right not to intervene?