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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Apr 2006, 12:37 am

May I ask why ADHD is listed under who this community is for?

Quote: is a web community designed for individuals (and parents of those) with Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, and other PDDs.

It just seemed odd to me to see ADHD listed in with autisim, aspergers, and other PDD's.

(I know I came here to get help for an aspergers student of mine, but was curious because I am diagnosed with ADHD).



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09 Apr 2006, 4:08 am

You get people with mutliple diagnosis of other things as well ive seen various combinations of the asperer diagnosis. Someone with ADHD and aspergers has made their own website recently for such a community with that cross over.

Im not sure why Alex has chosen personally to have that on his site the problems with people of all the differnt ADHD types are not neccesarily the same as aspergers. Though the term is quite old in comparison to aspergers its been recognised for nearly 100 years. One thing that strikes me having a partner with the hyperactive type of ADHD is that females have a very hard time with it, they really suffer sometimes in education, employment and with mental health issues

I think personally if your going to call this place wrong planet a resource for autism and then include ADHD you might as well say you are neurodiverse planet and open it up to the dyspraxics, dyslexics, Tourettes, Dyscalculic, Dysgraphica, ADHD etc


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09 Apr 2006, 4:59 am

Some people have been misdiagnosed with ADHD before getting their diagnosis of Asperger's/autism.
My diagnosis of HFA was just added on to the diagnosis of ADHD.
It's true Laz, that there are people here with all kinds of diagnoses. WP is already neurodiverse.


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09 Apr 2006, 6:05 am

Aspergers/ADD here. It can get to be an interesting combination--the all-over effect is that you hyperfocus on your special interests, and can't concentrate on anything else to save your life!

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09 Apr 2006, 6:09 am

Don't some think ADHD is somewhere on the spectrum to? isn't official or proven though.

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09 Apr 2006, 7:04 am

Is ADD/ADHD a sympton of AS/HFA or is it a "bonus" some of us have? :?:


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09 Apr 2006, 9:13 am

I don't understand it, either.


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09 Apr 2006, 2:48 pm

ADD and ADHD is not necessarily linked with autism. It's not uncommon for people to have both, but not everyone with ADHD has autism and vice versa.


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09 Apr 2006, 3:47 pm

Some people have theroized that ADHD is an even milder form an ASD than aspergers is since the definitions of both share a lot of similarities.

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10 Apr 2006, 9:10 am

My son was initially dx with ADHD when he was almost 6. Now we know he's HFA. I read a book that shows the similarities between HFA/AS and ADHD and that they both affect the executive function of the brain. We no longer believe he's ADHD but the hyperactivity/impulsivity of his initial dx was just the easy dx for his then-physician. That doctor still doesn't believe he could have any form of autism since he experiences joy.

Whether ADHD co-exists or is part of the spectrum, it also interferes with life and socialization so I'm glad it's here.


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10 Apr 2006, 9:21 am

three2camp wrote:
I read a book that shows the similarities between HFA/AS and ADHD and that they both affect the executive function of the brain.

What book was it? I think a lot of my issues relate back to executive function and I always thought that was a big part of HFA/AS, at least for some people.

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10 Apr 2006, 11:18 am

I've got a lot of problems with executive function, too. As for why I think I've got ADD as well as AS, I find focusing on something -even something I really want to do- very difficult. No hyperactivity, though. :wink:


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10 Apr 2006, 12:42 pm

Scoots5012 wrote:
Some people have theroized that ADHD is an even milder form an ASD than aspergers is since the definitions of both share a lot of similarities.

The diagnostic criteria for pervasive developmental disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are very different, however. I don't see anything in the ADHD criteria about a preoccupation with parts of objects, stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest or behavior, inflexible adherence to routines, and social interaction deficits.


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10 Apr 2006, 1:09 pm

Maybe on paper they don't, but to a psychologist who's trying to figure out that question, the lines between ADHD and aspergers tend to get blurred, especially since it's been noted that kids with ADHD tend to have poor social skills, which is one of the hallmark signs of aspergers.

Such reasoning would explain the rash of re-diganoeses from people who first dx'ed with ADHD and then with aspergers, like I was, 15 years after the fact.

BTW, I don't see ADHD fitting into the autism spectrum either.

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10 Apr 2006, 10:51 pm

It's not a part of the autistic spectrum. A.D.H.D. is a part of the obsessive compulsive spectrum of the DSM-IV, along with Tourette Syndrome. As a touretter I recognise similaritys between myself and aspies that I've met here. I wouldn't mind if the two spectrums were merged together, but so far they're separate categories.


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11 Apr 2006, 5:09 am

WP is already neurodiverse

Where are the dyspraxics?