anyone else here hate using public toilets?

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10 Jul 2010, 12:09 am

Ok this is going to sound weird but I cannot deficate in a public restroom. When I was in the ICU for my congestive heart failure the toilet was portable that came out of a cabinet right next to the door where the curtain did not reach, I did not deficate for four days I had to threaten to s**t on the floor next to my door to use a toilet with a locking door, Even then I had a hard time behind a locked door with a cleqn toilet. My second was when I was in Rochester for a game convention at R.I.T. I held it for three days I could not bare to use the toilet at the hotel and University. I have always been able to hold it with no problems. I urinate with no problems almost anywhere and infront of anyone. :oops: Anyone else with this problem? Is this an Aspergers trait or am I just a freak?

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10 Jul 2010, 12:46 am

Me, I refuse to use a public toilet, unless im in target and realize I have explosive diareah and have to empty my load, so I have to use the public toilet to avoid an embarassing sitch e ation.


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10 Jul 2010, 12:54 am

I have had this problem since I was a little kid. I don't mind defecating at home, in a hotel room, or if I am staying the night at someone's house, but I can't do it while I am at work or in a public restroom. One of my strange behaviors is that I need to bathe after I defecate. I have always had this fear of soiling my underwear and the discomfort (not to mention the smell) that it would cause. I have always felt that toilet paper never totally cleans.

I also have no problems with urinating in a public restroom.


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10 Jul 2010, 1:20 am

passionatebach wrote:
I have had this problem since I was a little kid. I don't mind defecating at home, in a hotel room, or if I am staying the night at someone's house, but I can't do it while I am at work or in a public restroom. One of my strange behaviors is that I need to bathe after I defecate. I have always had this fear of soiling my underwear and the discomfort (not to mention the smell) that it would cause. I have always felt that toilet paper never totally cleans.

I also have no problems with urinating in a public restroom.

It took me a year and a half to be able to comfortably deficate at work. :oops: :P

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10 Jul 2010, 1:21 am

I don't mind it in the least if the toilet is clean and at least somewhat private.


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10 Jul 2010, 4:25 am

Find anyone who likes them :lol:

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10 Jul 2010, 5:02 am

I'm fine with using them, but only if they have seat-covers.
but if there's no seat-covers i just make a seat-cover out of toilet paper.
but if there were no seat cover, i'd prolly refuse to use a public toilet because public restrooms are filthy, and it's not even my filth, it's the filth of hundreds, thousands, of strangers. Using a seat cover as a protective layer between my ass and that filth is the only way i'd use it, otherwise i'll just take the roll of paper and just go and defecate in the woods or behind some bushes, maybe put it in the gas tank of some person on my shitlist if their car just happens to be within reasonable range and nobody's looking.
But as i said, i can just make a cover with toilet paper, & naturally i can't go at all if the place has no toilet paper anyways, so naturally it's never been too much of an issue.

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10 Jul 2010, 5:03 am

passionatebach wrote:
I have had this problem since I was a little kid. I don't mind defecating at home, in a hotel room, or if I am staying the night at someone's house, but I can't do it while I am at work or in a public restroom. One of my strange behaviors is that I need to bathe after I defecate. I have always felt that toilet paper never totally cleans.

Me too. I always have to have a shower after emptying my bowels.

I have a problem using public toilets at all. I'll hold on until I'm in pain if I need to urinate. I don't like how dirty things are. I usually hold my breath when I'm in public toilets too. I also avoid touching door handles and doors after I've washed my hands, then as soon as I can after leaving public toilet, I will wash my hands somewhere else also.


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10 Jul 2010, 8:17 am

I never use public restrooms. Unless I absolutely have to..


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10 Jul 2010, 8:31 am

I work in construction so often all we have is Porta-Potties. I have no problem urinating in them but, I'll do my best to avoid having to go #2 while at work. To make matters worse, sometimes the Porta-Potties won't fit into the elevators to bring them upstairs in a high rise structure. If they can't crane them in they will bring in Porta-Potties with the tops sawed off. It's not uncommon to walk around a jobsite and see someones head sticking out of one when they are taking a leak or a dump. In the Navy we had some stalls facing each other without doors. It's kind of hard to focus on doing your buisiness when the guy accross from you is looking at you. I here it's not uncommon in europe for public bathrooms to have no stalls at all. In short I consider it a luxury to have a traditional porceline toilet in a stall with a door that is relatively clean.


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10 Jul 2010, 8:42 am

Depends what I must do: peeing or pooping. For peeing I want to be separated by a door, unless there is a very high urgency. For pooping the toilet must be very clean and there must be paper so that I can efficiently clean myself. In the Netherlands there is always sufficient paper at toilet to clean yourself. In other countries than the Netherlands that can be different.

If possible I will try to avoid pooping in Dutch (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) trains, unless the train is actually international such as the TGV or the Deutsche Bundesbahn trains.


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10 Jul 2010, 9:12 am

i do

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10 Jul 2010, 9:39 am

The worst part about using the public toilet is when you drop your bombs and the water splashes all on your legs and behind.,,,


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10 Jul 2010, 6:02 pm

Never had a problem, unless the toilet has stuff all over the seat. i prefer public restrooms to my own house, i dont mind letting loose around strangers, in fact, ive been known to start "noise" contests. i cannot make a deposit with family within earshot.

the acoustics in the mens room at boston south station are just incredible :lol:

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10 Jul 2010, 6:08 pm

I don't mind when nobody sees me enter or exit the bathroom.

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10 Jul 2010, 6:26 pm

*Yuck!* Not only are public bathrooms so disgusting, but they're also so awkward when others are in them. I'd rather wear a diaper.

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