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24 Aug 2010, 9:55 pm

I have a hard time brushing my teeth. I dont like to do it, and often skip it cause I really dont like the taste of fluoride. Often the mint flavor that is used is too strong and burns my tastebuds. The baking soda kind is just plain nasty...tart and grainy and just yuuk. I also dont like the way brushing feels on my gums. I have some cavities because of my poor brushing habits but I am at loss of what to do.I cant seem to make myself do it half the time. Does anyone have any suggestions first as to a mild and nice flavored toothpaste and what to do about the gum thing???

Thanks ya'll


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24 Aug 2010, 10:00 pm

i use toms natural care of Maine sls free anti cavity plus whitening fennel paste (clean & gentle care)

its all natural its sls free so it doenst foam as much ( which is great because i cant stand the taste of foamy things)

plus it as a nice fennel taste sort of like a very mild licorice.

here is the website :

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24 Aug 2010, 10:01 pm

Put your toothbrush with toothpaste on it under runing faucet water for a second or two.


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24 Aug 2010, 10:05 pm

MXH wrote:
Put your toothbrush with toothpaste on it under runing faucet water for a second or two.


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24 Aug 2010, 10:09 pm

Teeth brushing was one of the things that made childhood difficult. I had no problem with the tooth brush itself, but the toothpaste stung and burned my mouth. It even stung my lips! When I tried to tell my mother what was going on she said it was because my mouth was dirty. She never really took me seriously until I would fight her about brusing my teeth. Even the taste of toothpaste makes me sick and nautious.

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24 Aug 2010, 11:03 pm

I haven't had that problem, myself. I've known people in the spectrum, who do have that problem. One of the college professors told them, to brush their teeth, with mouthwash.

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24 Aug 2010, 11:13 pm

Sigh.. The more i look into Aspergers and Autism the more little me things turn out to be not just me after all


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24 Aug 2010, 11:19 pm

Check into tooth powders - especially more natural ones without salt. I always fiound most toothpaste very hard for flavor, texture - and as you say the whitening ones are really bad.

And experiment with diffeerent brushes.

hint - some people put the dentifrice on a cloth and use that.

Also - never tried it, but a lot of people around the world have brushed with the frayed ends of twigs of the ringht bush or tree. Look it up. Might just be easier than a brush.


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24 Aug 2010, 11:35 pm

I have no problem with brushing my teeth - but I'm really, really picky about my toothpaste. I use Crest Pro-Health Whitening or Colgate Total. And an electric toothbrush makes things effortless - I use a Oral-B Plaque Remover 3D.


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25 Aug 2010, 12:15 am

Ravenclawgurl wrote:
i use toms natural care of Maine sls free anti cavity plus whitening fennel paste (clean & gentle care)

its all natural its sls free so it doenst foam as much ( which is great because i cant stand the taste of foamy things)

plus it as a nice fennel taste sort of like a very mild licorice.

here is the website :

Jojobean, Raven's suggestion might be a good one for you, but if you try Tom's and don't like the taste, then you might want to try looking looking at the toothpastes marketed for children. In larger stores you can find grape, strawberry, bubblegum, etc...

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25 Aug 2010, 12:21 am

Do you floss? That can also help reduce cavity problems.


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25 Aug 2010, 12:30 am

Thats some really good ideas... I will try tooth powders and the rag thing...although I gag real easy which is my other issue with brushing, but it might work. I will also look into that Tom's tooth powder.

ya toothpaste does indeed burn. I have a very delicate palate and spicy things or strong flavored things will burn. Washing with mouthwash is not an option either as mouthwash is very painful expecally listerine. I wish they flavored toothpaste with apple or pear or banana....heck maybe even boston creme pie...but harsh superfake mint???

I dont think I should do the twig thing as it might be corrosive to my already suffering enamel.

As for running under the facet...I might try that till I get some money to buy something less harsh
And the electric toothbrush...I used to have one as a kid until I used it to scrub my dolls in the mud puddle. But they are hard on my sensitive gums, but they do get the job done right...if I can find one with a super soft head, I might do that too

thanks all ! !


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25 Aug 2010, 12:31 am

Well I don't have any problem actually brushing my teeth, it's in my daily routine and I can't eat or anything before I brush my teeth. My dentist however said I apparently aren't too good at it and should get an electric toothbrush.

I actually like the strongest and most bitter toothpaste I can get since I associate that with cleaning them better. Same way with mouthwash, original all the way.

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25 Aug 2010, 12:31 am

I have huge toothpaste issues. I look for mint-free stuff at the co-ops and at whole foods that are "natural" or "homeopathic friendly". They tend to be less foamy, variety of different textures, and all sorts of interesting tastes. Then's its trial and error until you find the right one.

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25 Aug 2010, 8:20 am

They make sensitive brush heads (possibly available only online) for the oral b electric toothbrush, and one of their models also comes with a setting for gentle brushing. The brushes are also very small, which might help for the gagging problem. When you're putting the toothpaste on your brush, never put the amount they show on commercials - put a tiny bit. It will help for the taste/gagging, and you don't need that much. You may need more than the tiny bit, but if you can tolerate a tiny bit, you may be able to work up to a tiny bit more. You don't really need more than a pea-sized amount.

If you're using a manual brush, make sure you're using a soft brush, and use the smallest brush you can find. It's better to brush with no toothpaste at all, than not to brush.


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25 Aug 2010, 9:03 am

I hate the toothpaste, and I can't stand mint. That's why I can't use the Scope or Listerine, either. As soon as I put it in my mouth, I have to spit it out because it burns and it really hurts. No one believes that, though. They say I am just imagining things, as always. :roll:

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