Kind of like Poppycocteau has said, I am not sure AS and HFA are clearly separate and distinguishable in every case.
Leester wrote:
Before you knew you were autistic, did you feel there was nothing wrong with you ...
Coming from the kind of background and upbringing I had, I thought I must have been born into some kind of special group.
Leester wrote:
... and were not aware of being different?
Looking back from a few years later, I labeled myself "insecure" ... but I still had no idea I was actually "different" than most other people I knew.
Leester wrote:
As opposed to people with aspergers (what I've heard) who knew that they were different at a very young age?
I knew I had begun looking for someone (or even "anyone"?) like me at age 5, but I had no idea why.
Leester wrote:
When you found out that you had high functioning autism, did the news devastate you a bit and did it take you awhile to figure out that you it was alright with you having autism, and you were different than other people?
Whatever I have, I am now glad to at least know there is an explanation for many things otherwise making no sense.
AS/HFA or no AS/HFA, some people are more self-aware than others and some take longer to get there.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.