Disconnected from the world?
no i am not disconnected from the world.
in order to be disconnected, you have to have been once connected, and i was never connected so i can not feel disconnected.
i live in the world that i see, and that world is the world that my brain shows me.
i can only live inside my brain, and what i see is what is applicable only to me.
other people go about their lives and feel the emotions they feel, but i do not need anyone else to exist in order to see what i see.
they experience their lot in their life, and i experience my lot in my life, and the space that lies between my consciousness and anyone else's consciousness is empty.
there is no ethereal "matter" that is capable of providing a conduit from the sparks in my brain that i experience to the sparks in anyone else's brain that they experience.
i am isolated in my own world of experience, and i will die one day and i know that the world will continue to operate in the same manner as it always has after i am gone.
trucks will still rumble down the road, and birds will continue to chirp, and clouds will continue to sail on overhead, and waves will continue to break on the beaches in the same way, unaltered by my absence after i am dead.
i have some time to see and smell and taste life, but it all happens a blink of the eye of eternity.
i just sit here and watch what i see from my perspective until my perspective is snuffed out by time.