chris09 wrote:
As for the florescent lights, I see them flickering and my family thinks I am crazy. I don't allow fluorescent lights in my room. Just the good ole fashioned Thomas Edison bulb.
Oh, I believe you. I've stocked up on those old fashioned bulbs because of that. Almost equally bad as the flickering is the humming the florescent lights give off, well, not really humming, more like, a frequency that's just high enough you can feel/hear it, but not high enough that it seems to bother other people or so that you can explain what the sound is like. Those things really set off my headaches. I also find it the light completely destroys my ability to concentrate. I used to pray the teachers would forget to turn on the light and just use natural light because I'd get so much more done without those infernal things on.
Although one time I found a store that used such horrible florescent lights that I could finally get an NT to look at it and see what I meant. It was a major victory, especially once she commented that now that she'd seen what I meant she couldn't walk past that place any more - the light was just too bad. To this day I use that store to make my point about florescent lights gone bad and most NTs who go there and actually stop to pay attention to it seem to agree that that really is quite horrible.
But yeah, I usually wear sunglasses. One casual set for normal days, one that goes fully around my eyes for very bright days. For my rooms, I like indirect light. I like it bouncing off the walls, not shining right down on me. I also love having a dimmer to control the light level. Another reason that absurd ban on incandescent light bulbs solely for the sake of making their makers more money pisses me off, so many of the bulbs they're selling now you simply can't dim even if you did love cold buzzing blue over-saturated light.