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21 Apr 2011, 3:17 pm

Basically, I am the Scrooge of summertime. I hate summer, I hate the sun, it burns, it's too hot, it's too bright etc. I don't know why, I just absolutely love it when it's cold and it rains, and when it snows is the very best. Everyone else gets really excited about the sun coming out, but I have absolutely no idea why.

I think "oh god, I'm going to be pressured by my mum to go out because it is a "lovely day". Also no one will believe me that I don't like it. Sorry to sound like an emo or something, I just cannot stand that it will probably be hot for ages, and I cannot wait until it is winter so I can secretly cheer about the coldness and rain.

People will look up and shout "Isn't this weather lovely?" And I will look down and whisper "No."


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21 Apr 2011, 3:36 pm

I absolutely hate any kind of cold, overcast, and generally gray weather. I get very lethargic on days like that (which make up about eight months a year, here, pretty much). I also consider anything under sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit to be too cold. Probably because I grew up in the South, playing out doors a lot, almost year-round. Bright sunlight and warmth make me a sixty-five percent better person, I feel. I can't stand gray weather. Even hazy days I don't like all that much. Give me light, give me warmth, and don't diffuse either of them, I say. Oh, and the wind can go die in a hole somewhere, too.

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21 Apr 2011, 3:42 pm

I know what you mean. Its April, and its already 25 degrees outside and sunny sunny sunny. It makes my head hurt. Although I do like gardening, I'd rather it was about 15 degrees, and sunny for just a few hours a day so the plants could grow. I prefer cool damp weather. Sunshine just makes me feel completely overexposed, its like someone is shining a spotlight onto my head, I just want to go and sit in a cold dark room, with a wet towel over my head.
I like rain and snow too. Although I always fall over in the snow.


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21 Apr 2011, 3:46 pm

I prefer it in the 65-75 range depending on the humidity. Although I really hate being hot, very few things feel better than putting a huge piece of ice on my head while sitting in the shade with a fan when we go camping every year.

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21 Apr 2011, 3:50 pm

Zokk wrote:
I absolutely hate any kind of cold, overcast, and generally gray weather. I get very lethargic on days like that (which make up about eight months a year, here, pretty much). I also consider anything under sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit to be too cold. Probably because I grew up in the South, playing out doors a lot, almost year-round. Bright sunlight and warmth make me a sixty-five percent better person, I feel. I can't stand gray weather. Even hazy days I don't like all that much. Give me light, give me warmth, and don't diffuse either of them, I say. Oh, and the wind can go die in a hole somewhere, too.

I also hate the cold and winter.


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21 Apr 2011, 3:52 pm

I like chilly, but not severely cold weather, perhaps because I feel more protected with additional layers of clothing. And I like the intimate, stay-inside atmosphere of rainy days, which make me feel very relaxed, since no one expects you to accomplish much on such a day. I have learned, with some difficulty, to appreciate the heavy silence of a muggy summer afternoon, though only in deep shade, because the bright blue-white sunlight effectively blinds me.


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21 Apr 2011, 4:01 pm

Most of my major sensory issues seem to fall into the touch/tactile category. I don't know if it explains why, but I love bitter cold weather even though I have Raynaud's and tend to lose circulation in my fingers in the extreme cold. Conversely, I hate chilly. Go figure ... when everyone else is running around the house in short sleeves, I'll be wearing a flannel shirt and a fleece.

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21 Apr 2011, 4:04 pm

I like cold weather. Some of the most fun I've ever had involved temperatures of -40 (Fahrenheit or Celsius, it's the same down there ... damn cold).

Of course, growing up in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, might have had something to do with that. ;)

I now live in California. I like the fact that it doesn't get too cold, except on the odd day I miss my snowmobile. I don't, however, like it when it gets above, say, 25°C/86°F or so.

I also sleep best in a cool bedroom, say around 15°C/60°F. Usually with my feet sticking out from under the covers, lest they get too warm.


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21 Apr 2011, 4:22 pm

I very much prefer cold weather. The heat really affects me but I barely feel the cold. I'm much more comfortable with temperatures below 40 F. I don't even wear a coat in cold weather because the cold is just comfortable.

I hate summer so much.


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21 Apr 2011, 4:23 pm

Henbane wrote:
I know what you mean. Its April, and its already 25 degrees outside and sunny sunny sunny. It makes my head hurt. Although I do like gardening, I'd rather it was about 15 degrees, and sunny for just a few hours a day so the plants could grow. I prefer cool damp weather. Sunshine just makes me feel completely overexposed, its like someone is shining a spotlight onto my head, I just want to go and sit in a cold dark room, with a wet towel over my head.
I like rain and snow too. Although I always fall over in the snow.

I have to second that! The weather in Norfolk is not much better!

I miss the days when the UK had really wet cool summer months. I hope we are not heading for another heatwave. I have taken refuge in the house.

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21 Apr 2011, 4:27 pm

Nice weather is obviously best, but cold is my favorite of the extremes. Aside from the cold feeling better, you can also block out the cold with coats. No such solution to heat.


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21 Apr 2011, 4:33 pm

I prefer cold weather over the hot weather.

Okay so it's England so cold weather turns into snow and ice and everything grinds to a halt - seriously, my street gets so icy you really can't go out, in Newcastle this past Christmas transport went belly-up and stores were closing several hours early due to the weather despite it being peek shopping time. THIS I dislike about cold weather, I dislike being stuck in the house unable to do anything.

Hot weather however I ALWAYS get ill, I'm not out the house five minutes before I feel like throwing up the heat just gets to me - it doesn't help either that I have a larger forehead and I'm sensitive to light, but I cannot wear hats or sunglasses *sigh* I hate getting all sweaty and disgusting, I can't open my windows due to cats so there's no escape for me. At the moment it's not too bad, I can go out without a coat on comfortably, but once it starts getting really hot I'll be right here with you complaining about it :P


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21 Apr 2011, 4:48 pm

I like to complain about both (no surprise there, complaining about British weather ;)), but I think winter is more tolerable for me. Though that could be a bit biased with the heat here today.

However if I think of it in terms of my "comfortable" range - around 10-25 Celsius - I can tolerate it better below that range than above.

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21 Apr 2011, 5:13 pm

I like cool weather, but not cold weather. I am in the midwestern US, and I agree with the writer who said that 8 months out of the year it is cold, though here in Ohio it may be a little better at around 6 months. 4 months are too hot and :) typically May and October are just right. I will compliment you people in the UK, I went there for two weeks in July of '04 and I was like well this is pretty pleasant for July!

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21 Apr 2011, 5:27 pm

Simonono wrote:
Sorry to sound like an emo or something

There's nowt wrong wi' bein' an emo. 8)


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21 Apr 2011, 9:05 pm

I think it depends a lot on where you grew up. I lived in the sunshine state (Florida) my whole life then went to college in midwest to get away. All I can say is the it was a great learning experience. I never want to live in a cold and cloudy place again!